While in the North they increased the protests against the demographic growth, to the contamination for the industries, the excess of consumption and wild industrialization, in Latin America searched to compete in the market and to reach the developed countries, opening the doors for its development. In the decade of 80, after the spreading of the discovery of the hole in the resultant ozone layer of the activities human beings, the press started to intensify the attention for the ecological questions, and in Brazil, the media started to notify the ambient problems faced by the Amaznia.Com> advent of the democracy, the ambientalista movement in Brazil started to question the model of development instituted for Industrialization. The interest for alternative forms that prezavam for the sustainable development emerged with solid bases. However, the dissemination of these ideas represented danger to the commercial and economic interests of the elite, and in such a way, the space in the media from the decade of 80 started to shrink considerably. At the beginning of years 90 the concept of sustainable development was extended.
The accomplishment of Echo 92 in Rio De Janeiro, still more despertou the interest of journalists for the environment and many periodicals had created specialized editorias and notebooks. The mobilization climate invades the population and the press approaches subjects ambient as never before it approaches. Leaders of 160 countries if congregate during ECHO 92, event that defines the measures to be sacramentadas in Agenda 21, a document fruit of the concern with the planet as a whole, independent one of national borders. The policing is was as to assure to the developing countries the access the resources you add e, over all, to the technology necessary to implement the changes in its economies as until the current days – other cases of notice on environment vitiated, that is, displayed in disconnected way and unprovided of the Inter-relations with the partner-politician-economic sphere.