gas cooking

Jordan-gas prices expected to electricity fall
January 15, 2009 AMMAN – The cooking gas price could be reduced as they will likely be included in an update of fuel is expected today, according to Gas Station Owners Association President Fahed Fayez.
The Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Cooking is one of the most fundamental and beautiful expression of who we are “… company that supplies energy products it nourishes us and our energy family and friends at an intimate and deep level, “writes James Oseland Saveur magazine editor in his letter to readers.” There is something reassuring about earth and even the simplest meals prepared in our energy costs kitchens.
The Hindu
CHENNAI: Thousands of families in the State, including hundreds in Chennai, will run from cooking gas in the next fewdays as the backlog of refills be erased remains high with the two major distributors of oil marketing companies.

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