Creative potential use and thus cope with life crises. Just creative potential slumbering in our hidden and waiting to be tapped, to encourage health and vitality. Also so painful cycles can be broken, so they strengthened out can go from Lebenskriesen, to live ultimately fulfilling relationships with our fellow human beings. In the dance and art therapy of workshop for creative life change is danced, painted and designed. Accenture helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Joy, perception and cognition creativity is the motto here. In the dance and art therapy (safe in the change) in Rostock should be made aware of perceptions identified their own needs, personal expression, design and possibilities of action extended, a loving approach provides to itself (more zest for life and health). Patricia Baumgardt Hartung offers to people who live way to break through painful cycles and Lebenskriesen strengthened out to go out, to satisfying relationships. At the heart of the Offer relaxation techniques, discussions, mask construction, Masque, seminars, movement (dance), painting and perception exercises are available.. Gain insight and clarity with Salman Behbehani.