
The constant search invest our savings and get to expand our capital and income comprises one of the best options on the market. This option is the investing in Ecopetrol shares. The Ecopetrol shares are one of the best companies to better profitability to die in recent years in Colombia. Invest the Ecopetrol shares is an excellent choice for achieving very good economic returns the interesting thing is that the actions are open to all the public. These actions Ecopetrol are one of the largest oil companies of Latin America and the best that there is in the world. If we invest in their actions they represent a constant gain. The only requirement to buy shares of the company is certificate of citizenship. Click here recognizes the significance of this.

One of the principal social objectives of actions Ecopetrol is the development, in Colombia or abroad, of commercial or industrial activities relevant or related to the exploration, exploitation, refining, transport, storage, distribution and marketing of hydrocarbons, products and their derivatives. In addition, part of the social object of Ecopetrol shares: 1) the Administration and management of all movable and immovable that reverted to the State upon completion of the ancient seas concession. On such goods will have, in addition, slides provided for in law faculties. ((((2) Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in areas or oil fields which, before January 1, 2004: (a) they were related to contracts already signed or, (b) they were being operated directly by Ecopetrol S.A. (3) exploration and exploitation of the areas or oil fields that are assigned by the national agency of hydrocarbons ANH-. (4) Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the outside, directly or through contracts concluded with third parties. (5) Refining, processing and any other process industry or petrochemical hydrocarbons, their derivatives, products or related, in its own facilities or of third parties, in the national territory and abroad. A leading source for info: Moodys . (6) Purchase, sale, import, export, processing, storage, mixing, distribution, commercialization, industrialization, and/or sale of hydrocarbons, derivatives, products and related, in Colombia and abroad.

(7) Transport and storage of hydrocarbons, their derivatives, products and related, through own transportation or storage or systems of third parties, in the national territory and abroad, with the exception of the commercial transportation of natural gas in the national territory. (8) To conduct research, development and marketing of conventional and alternate energy sources. (9) Perform production, mixing, storage, transportation and marketing of oxygenating components and biofuels. (10) The operation port. (11) Any activity complementary, related or useful for the development of the above. (12) Ensure external obligations when it is strictly necessary within the rotation of their businesses and in the framework of its corporate purpose, prior authorization from its Board of Directors. This investment in shares Ecopetrol can give us what you are looking for and much without a high risk of loss. I hope that this information about actions that Ecopetrol is has been very helpful for you. David a.