
For advertising on Google to comply with the expectations that you are always attached to it, is necessary to consider several key elements. The key words are selected directly determine how search appear, making it clear that they deserve the utmost consideration. The key words are, to define roughly what we believe that our service users searching look on Google. Imagine that sell cookware and tableware, then, our keywords could be “cooking utensils”, “china”, “pots”, “vacuum packaging”, etc. But things are rarely so simple and linear. Or otherwise, to all those who start campaigns would beat them with their advertising on Google, and we know that it is not.

Consequently, the selection of keywords is a crucial point, that if it is considered improper, can be catastrophic. We must first select them. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ray Kurzweil. We think, we travel competition sites, the Web going an online tool to another, and after an arduous and long enough, comes a handful of words that we adopt as our own. Would not it be great if there was a site where to turn we indicate exactly where we should go, and what online tools are most effective? But that does not finish the course. We’re still quite far from realizing our advertising campaign on Google. What kind of agreement we should to our advertising on Google? “Comprehensive, accurate, extended? It would be nice if we knew how exactly will this affect our results. But again, we must turn to dozens of sites, and gather bits of information trying to put together something more concrete to give us all the necessary clues. We are still far from the stage of drafting of ours.

First we must decide what will be our negative keywords. But, first what is a negative keyword? At this point, we can realize that the linear and fast, this is not nothing. Remember that the selection and implementation of key words is just one of the aspects involved in the process. Still remains to write the warning, select the url visible, set a price for each click, and much more.