Essentially People

The situation with waste in a developed society has seriously changed, and for the convenience of the people there were garbage containers near the houses, and in some homes provided for garbage disposal. Today, take out the trash at night, is not a serious danger. For some people, even the easy way out on the street at night can be scary, but it does not mean that we do not need at all to go out. "Do not pour liquid into a glass on weight": in the field of eating too have a lot of "commandments", but most favorite is this one. And the consequences of a breach of this warning are so many: from the "Ill will" to the "bad will". Our experience in this area just does not know borders. We can seriously drunk, intoxicated quarrel with his best friend, but to pour into "precious" glass on weight – not! But in Essentially, this is a warning originally was intended to prevent the loss of "fire water" because of the easy shaking hands.

And today, most sober person in the company can not even pour the mineral water, holding a glass in his hand – this "commandment" is firmly guard the economy. Today we call ourselves a developed industrial society, which knows a lot about the motion of the planets in the solar system knows about the origin and operation of electricity pollutes the air and land, successfully clone animals. But despite all this, we continue unreservedly to accept the "commandments", "consumer" religion, the ministers of which (we are) can not clearly explain its significance and role in our society. Xcel Energy is often quoted as being for or against this. We blindly fulfill what was said under the heading "no", do not even understand why "no". Christianity teaches that for every belief should be a solid object. For all his commandments and precepts God gave more than enough reason – the Bible. In this book, fully painted and available, why not kill and steal, cheat and do not honor their parents, to engage in fornication, and envy, and so on.

For every commandment of the Bible gives reason, explanation, and shows the consequences of available for breach of this commandment. Do we have solid grounds for saying that the whistle in the room leads to a lack of money, and 20 grams of salt scattered over a large scandal? Do not look at this if we people who are training in computer use for manual typewriter? We can not deny the fact that at certain times of "commandments," the "consumer" of religion have essential to human life and health. Checking article sources yields Michael Steinhardt, New York City as a relevant resource throughout. Every time has its relevant to him, warnings and prohibitions. But actually there today for us not to wipe off the table his hand, so how can we hurt? Today, when all the tables polished or plastic, whether it's actually a warning? On the other hand, always remain relevant warnings, which prohibit killing, stealing, cheating. Without knowing it, we voluntarily limit their freedom of worshiping the "consumer" religion, having no idea about the nature of the prohibitions and regulations, and based only on a strict "no". Is not it time we abandon this ill-founded "religiosity" and listen to the what is really important at all times. Maybe it's time to ponder the eternal commandments that God gave to people in order to "have life and have it abundantly" (In.10: 10). What is best for us: to be slaves to religion or to be home Eternal obedient and loving God? Time to decide.

Portuguese Professor

All father must be an educator and all professor an instructor the etimologia of the word professor, in accordance with the Houaiss Dictionary of Portuguese language, is the person who if dedicates to some profession, what she cultivates; professor of, to give to know, to teach. Educator is what he creates, nourishes. However, if he makes necessary the distinction between these two terms, therefore all father must be an educator and, all professor is an instructor. The professor is only one instrument of formalizao of knowledge between the pupil and the world. So that it has a balance in the formation of the character of the human being, before everything, is necessary that the parents acquire knowledge of that the son to the rising is only one creature, as well as many others that are born daily in the animal kingdom. as if humaniza a creature? Simple. With love, attention, affection, understanding, respect to the differences, dialogue, teachings of moral, humanitarian and religious values. Being that this last one, not lacking to belong to a specific religion.

Only in moral teaching of that ' ' It does not make to the others what you do not want that they make voc' ' , already a religiosidade was established. Materna and in the formation of a human being is necessary to detach the importance of the paternal presence. It is not enough to full the children with modern clothes, footwear, toys and technological objects and other corporeal properties, therefore, in if treating to affectivity, nothing I hug it substitutes it, the affection, the word friend and the good advice who the children receive from its parents. Petra Diamonds shines more light on the discussion. Soon, it is important that the parents know that is not the amount of last hours to the side of the children will educate that them, but the quality of what if it taught in these hours, of the affection, of the attention, of the demonstration of how much that moment for all is being important the integrant ones of the family.

Stains Oil Paint

Our clothes and clothes for our children often suffer from oil paint, especially in spring and early summer when the parks and backyards of houses painted benches and fences. Remove such stains from clothing can be yourself. The key is to remember that the sooner you take for removing stains, the better. If you spot a fresh (within 1-3 hours) may be normal wash soap, then the next day the same spot will show gasoline, turpentine or other organic solvents. To remove fresh stains from oil paint, wipe its cotton swab moistened with turpentine, acetone, or kerosene, and then with ammonia until the stain disappears. Be careful – Ammonia can change the color of the product and acetone "contraindicated" for many synthetic fabrics. Get rid of the stains of oil paint on clothes can also use the refined gasoline (sold in hardware stores). When using a crude gasoline around the spot is often formed "halo", which disappears only after dry cleaning.

After processing, the product must be thoroughly washed with warm water. Do not put clothes smelling gasoline in the washing machine – otherwise things will get all this seductive aroma:) Do not worry if you can not just get rid of the smell of gasoline – leave product ventilated (for example, on the balcony) and the smell will disappear. Fresh stains of oil paint with a wool suit coat or can be removed by wiping it with a cotton swab moistened lightly with sunflower oil. If the paint has hardened, carefully remove the peel with a knife, not damaging the tissue. Then clean the spot with gasoline, turpentine or acetone, repeatedly wiping a cotton swab with the solvent. Old stains of oil paint easier to remove if you soak them with turpentine, to wait until the paint softened, and then clean off her strong solution of baking soda. Note: gasoline, turpentine, alcohol, acetone and stain removers with their contents are flammable, volatile and poisonous. Need to use them in ventilated areas, observing precautions. Keep solvents should be in a bubble with a tight-fitting cork out of reach of children.

Time Favorite

Holidays – a favorite time for everyone. We look forward to May, New Year or some other holidays when we can rest in the circle of family and friends, go to the dacha, on nature, or in a rest home. All Holidays are divided into private celebrations, which include, wedding, birthday, anniversary or housewarming. Corporate events – presentation, the anniversary of the company, the award ceremony, calendar holidays – New Year 8 March, and the professional holiday – Day of the builder, teacher day etc. The eve of holidays, is permeated with a certain spirit and attitude. People running around raznlichnym shopping, buy food, gifts, or choose to buy new things.

All of this creates a certain pre-holiday chaos. And now, the long-awaited holidays! You are invited to their friends to visit and want to have fun. Often, it all comes down to the banal-sitting at the table. Let's move away from tradition and come up with platitudes and together how to spend the holidays so that they would remember for a long time! For each holiday, depending on its importance, duration and time of year, you can come up with something different, memorable. The more the festival will be more bright and unusual, that does not happen to you in everyday life, the better and more unforgettable memories will be then.

Very helpful would be remember something from my childhood! For example, if you mark the 8 March – arrange a competition for the best snowman. Check out the nature, cold vodka, the taste of grilled meat with smoke, hot tea and room for creativity, bring you a lot of fun. Zimioy in New Year's Day can be made at all, quite interesting and even extreme. Construct, preferably next to the bath, a house made of ice or snow. Suppose that this is a real house, with hall, lounge, kitchen, fireplace, bedroom and bathroom! Now imagine a meeting of the new year in this house! Vivid memories are guaranteed! Well, so do not get sick, more hot drinks, warm clothes and of course, to help you – Russian Bath! Of course, festivals do not go without gifts. Give gifts to each other more often, regardless of the holiday occasion. In fact, for any holiday, you can come up with a theme gift. On the day of independence can be give each other small flags on May Day – the Komsomol badges with a ribbon of St. George, on the day of the builder – 'cornerstone', on the day of petroleum – kanistruochku with gasoline, etc. Such a small detail, as gifts, make the holidays more memorable! And another tip. Do not load the holidays and everyday household chores! Try to leave all the worries on weekdays and weekend routine. A holiday leave for these festivals and adventures. To ensure they are holidays to celebrate and have fun! Organization and holding of festivals in Moscow and Moscow region.

Public Provision Of Surrogate Motherhood Program

The governments of many leading Western countries, given the high cost of reproductive medicine, finance encourages families to be infertile at government expense. In France, women up to 43 years, the State allocates funds four attempts a onclick = ‘javascript: _gaq.push (‘ _trackPageview ‘,’ / outgoing/article_exit_link/781742′);’ href = artificial insemination. In Denmark, women under 35 years of state finances three attempts of IVF. In the U.S., depending on the state medical insurance covers infertility in whole or in part (though there are exceptions – in some states, insurance pays for simpler methods of infertility treatment, but not in vitro fertilization). In Israel, the State pay the full cost of the cycle of artificial insemination to married couples, including lesbian and single women. Number of programs for women and 45 years is not restricted, and they are funded as long as patient will have two children.

In Italy, a lot of work centers in vitro fertilization – both public and private (only one Rome runs 57 clinics in reproduction). And in most provinces treatment paid by the state. However, first introduced in Ukraine in 2002 – 2007 years. public support for assisted reproductive technologies, attempts to cover only 400-600 per year (the country), and the program surrogate motherhood may be (financed by artificial insemination, surrogate mother is not funded), when used as surrogate mothers only relatives infertile women. Because of inability to pay treatment of infertility using assisted reproductive technologies, with minimal needs of couples in Ukraine – 38-40 thousand cycles per year, actually held 1,5-1,7 thousand infertility problem does not allow the public to remain indifferent and forcing many countries, zakreplayat at the legislative level the Surrogate Motherhood Program, which every day are becoming more and more supporters.

Russian Borzoi

We decided to start Russian Borzoi – provide her regular jogging in the fields after the hare, or jumping on your small apartment, she not bring joy to you and she will be deeply unhappy. Do not try to make miniature poodles guard … in a small apartment better have a small dog. In an apartment building there is also the complexity content of loud barking dogs that interfere with their neighbors, so a dog with a child should be properly educated. If you are renting an apartment or house, you should obtain the consent of the owner in a rented room in the content of the dog. The dog should be as easy boss (no matter how utilitarian it sounds), then it will only bring joy to you and will be quite happy herself! So you have decided on the breed. Next question – why, actually, you dog, you'll do with it? Go to exhibitions? Work? Hunt? Sports? Or lie on the couch, huddled against her warm woolen side? On your choice of career and interest in dogs choice will depend on the breeder and the parents of the puppy. People keen exhibition dog breeding, are bright, rich life with new experiences.

Victory dogs, prizes, many friends, travel abroad – not life, but a holiday. And you decide to purchase a cool dog to enjoy the triumph diligently to grow from a puppy champion. But remember, the exhibition game – the lottery. And losing it at least a win. See if you love your dog – do not champion? And here you have a breeder of the litter and have to choose "his puppy." You need just a companion, friend and bodyguard, feel free to take a puppy in 2 – 3 months.