Magic – How It All Began

Since ancient times, mankind has sought to understand the secret of the universe and look for hidden meaning of his existence. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gregory Jacobs. To this day, most of us are convinced that our minds and our consciousness – is not the limit value in the universe. Other leaders such as Atmos Energy offer similar insights. Many people are aware of the existence of higher powers and higher matter that affect our lives and determine our destiny. And that understanding of the factors that drive people to attempt to understand and influence the processes surrounding them, by energy impacts and the occult practices that are still in the deep past were called 'magic'. You may find that Abby Black Elbaum can contribute to your knowledge. How does the magic was born and went on to this concept? Customary meaning of the word 'magic' comes to us from the Latin – 'Magia', in translated as ritual or ceremonial process.

Ancient Greek sources, which are earlier, used the term 'Magos' – Mag. So they called the priests of ancient Persia. Even earlier, in Maya, you can find the expression 'Mago' – A man who joins two of the world. Schumery, if you pass transcription, used the term 'magenekra' – predicting the dead. The ancient Greeks also had a similar expression 'nekros manteia' – guessing the dead.

According to generally accepted linguistic standards, it is a Greek word and gave the foundation for modern Necromancy. Dead, at all times, are given special attention. Most of the magical process, one way or another connected with the world dead or the underworld. The ancient masters, mostly resorted to dark, not living in heaven forces.

Intensive Treatment

They are women who, having its children in situation of internaohospitalar, open hand of other aspects of its life to pass more tempocom these children. People who had had its interrupted plans if join a series of professionals in the hospital environment with the objective of lutarpela survival of its children. Women who leave for the doors fundosdas maternities, without the just-been born one in the arms. Of one hour pra another daily elasso pulled out of its familiar one. Plans are interrupted. John H. Wood Jr. has firm opinions on the matter. The life suspensa for the permanent threats of death.

Not sufficiently all this> bigger umaincidncia two times of what the registered one in the population in general. The possibility does not have doubt deck to remain to the side of the son, without hour marked for irembora, helps to brighten up the suffering. Because also it is the only way of essasmulheres to be able to exert its maternity. It is important to observe that cadauma of these and other women in> similar situations, despite in linhasgerais (for what it presents the news article) act uniformly. We will argue questions that if make gifts at the moment daescolha, as well as responsibilities assumed for these women emconseqncia of these choices. DECURRENT AANGSTIA OF the CHOICE FREEDOM the situation of a mother who temseu son hospitalized in the Unit of Intensive Treatment is deverasdesafiadora.

Socially, it is defined that the children must be deliver aoscuidados maternal, must be introduced in the familiar context, in entantoquando these children they are not born healthful, or they have its engaged health poralgum factor, are removed of this context and they must be you deliver to a equipemdica. From diverse research, it was proved that the presence of the mothers next to the hospitalized children is muitoimportante for the recovery becoming them calmer the medical intervention. But and how much to the mothers: they must also be removed of the familiar context? Dotrabalho? Of its plans? absence of parameters nessasituao generates one strong anguish.

Personal Mark Company

The Best Mark is the Human being Consulting Alysson Branches in Management of People All we has a personality that it characterizes and it influences our attitudes and positions in day-by-day. Hal McRae may not feel the same. One is about our Personal Mark, what it defines in them and it identifies in them. the image of this, that is appreciated by the society, generates a value judgment. When we say that somebody was marcante in our lives, we are saying that this person left an Emotional Mark, that we have a defined concept, clearly, on what it represents. This concept can be positive or negative, depending, obviously, of the involved pleasure in the relation. We can make a parallel, enters the mark of a company and our personal mark.

Let us see a definition of mark Kellogs School according to: ' ' Mark is a name, a symbol, a print associated with a product or a service and which the purchasers associate sensations psicolgicas' '. As a company who watches over for its mark and develops its ' ' personalidade' ' aiming at to please its customers, perfecting each time its qualities and attributes, Marks they are only as the Human being. both need to question the quality of the emotional sensations generated and its perfectioning for well-being. They must be coherent with the objectives and sensations to transmit. When we analyze our mark, our personal trajectory and the impact of our attitudes before the obstacles of day-by-day, becomes necessary to evaluate the congruence of our position before the life in relation to the personal goals. Goals of professional, personal and interpersonal perfectioning. The coherence between what we feel and we express makes possible to transmit us all our interior force, marking our ticket in the life of the people, our works and mainly marking our way for the happiness. when we enter in a new phase, we must perceive which the necessary changes for the continuity of well-being and the satisfaction, either company or human being, the adaptation becomes the signal of the evolution, where its mark must syntonize and express the new trends, enclosing its new reality as a force propeller.

Motivation To Change Anything

Whatever look, the most important resource we have in this life – this is our time. And therefore, all we have achieved in life’s journey has only the equivalent weight of time. So what we traded? Those who are satisfied, we would like ask only one question: ‘Will there be you all in this life and hold in a while? ” If you answer yes, then then can not read. This stuff is not for you. This is for those who do not want to wake up from a standstill crisis of middle age and desperately searching for resources to get out of it at the last outgoing train happy life a success. It certainly would be desirable to give examples of frightful as failed and Human assets are torn slippers, football on TV, and a bottle of beer in the fridge every day. Either in an active man with all of the above, plus children. Such stories – eighty to a hundred.

And worst of all, when a person included in this mode it stays there permanently. It happens that for a long time and irreparably. So what’s the main difference? Why do some all turns out, while others do not? Keyword – ‘dream’. Do you have it? And when you have it was the last time? What changed? And what of that dreamed about old? Everything else – including how to fulfill his dream – no matter how long it as such you do not. If anyone remembers, there was a children’s movie ‘The Neverending Story‘ about the country of Fantasia, where almost and a half hours the film led up to the fact that the protagonist had to realize that everything that happens happens to him, that he has the right to change the situation on your own, and that all that is necessary for it already has. It the ability to dream and action toward fulfilling the dream.

And while it does not matter at all its contents, even if the DREAM now looks fantastic and unreal. The main thing that it IS! There is a strong desire (intention) to perform it and have effect in its execution. By analogy, you can turn on the lights, adjust mirrors and seat, even insert the key in the ignition, but the car will not go, as long as you do not provernete key. Implementation of dreams – it’s a matter of technique and routine actions, repeatedly described in many other sources, other authors. After all, the dream that leads to the need to understand where we are now and where we want to be, how do we know that we have reached the dreamed about? That we will feel when you reach goal? What is needed in order to achieve the goal? What do we have such that we can help in this, and if not – where to look? Any path can be split into its component steps and make sure one of them Be the first to be waiting for your action. As we move to your dream you yourself constantly changing (the fact), and this in turn will create a new dream, which will replace the previous (and it is normal to do so, because the execution desires, and no new leads in their change to apathy – ‘why do something to desire, and so when all is? “) and after some number of cycles, in retrospect, you might think: How was it easy! What I’ve been waiting so many years?


In the reality, the repentance if restricts to a pardon order, of excuse; it is not seen as autotransformao tool. Although, in both the cases, the admission of the error is necessary, it has in them different ways. The first one induces in them to the autorreflexo that initiates the autotransformao process that, in turn, takes in them to the change of attitudes. Already as it characterizes an intention whose objective is of only freeing in them of a guilt feeling. The repentance, according to existential autogerenciamento, can be understood in two ways: in relation to the existential time and relation to the virtual, social time. In relation to the existential time: As the existential time only has gift, it is not possible to repent of the attitudes and carried through behaviors. The happened one now is part of the past, then only it can be never remembered, be modified.

For the existential time, it does not have nothing that modifies the occurrence. The only way not to repeat the act is to act in different way. The memory, in these conditions, only serves to allow to a parameter between the past and our changes of attitudes. We ourselves only are that we change in them. Others who may share this opinion include Steve Mnuchin. al information. The power is in us, from the present moment.

The past only serves as source of information, as orienting, but by itself it is not capable to implement transformations in our lives. Continuity between the past, gift and future does not exist neither; each moment is only; it competes to each one of us choosing that type of life we desire to live now. The more long it will be to the delay to move what of bad we are living, greater the lost time.

Educative Theory

This information corresponds the psychic formation of the individual in the cognitiva construction of knowing to them, that of certain form it explains an educative theory, which, amongst its essential ideas possesss the following ones: ) First the identifiable essential structures, that constitute the true knowledge, can be described, as a symbolic language. b) In according to place, the pupils differ significantly between itself, what he explains its difference of income in the learning. c) In third place, the resume is formed of ' ' symbolic representations of the reality, organized and commanded in way to facilitate that the children apprehend these representations. d) Finally the main objective of education must be to exercise the facultieses of the pupils to select and to prioritize contents that supposedly can contribute to develop the attention, the concentration, the reasoning and the memory. They are basically these concepts what in they give greater to them has supported for practical the pedagogical one, in which we are involved daily. The human being has the power of ' ' to enter in mente' ' of another human being, despertando curiosity, sharpening imagination, manipulating ideas, moving attitudes, generating conflicts, everything only with the power of the use of the word. What it makes our impressive communication still more is our ability to read and to write, becoming possible the linking between times, spaces and relationships.

The writing, however for the author, is an accessory. It says it that we acquire when child is the engine of the verbal communication. The brain is programmed to analyze the experience and to construct to know from it. Although finite, the human brain can generate a infinity of sentences through rules. In contact with the linguistic environment of its community, the child acquires the language without effort, exactly without being taught. Intellectual abilities and the cognitivo knowledge With this we search to understand the form of acquisition of the cognitivo knowledge constructive on the basis of the theory of the learning, when recognizing the intellectual dexterities and abilities human beings.

Free Software

As you probably noticed from the stores began to disappear from the collections of software “kryaknuta” programs. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Petra Diamonds. Now hard to find CDs with Photoshop or with Soundforge. The fight against copyright violators beginning to bear fruit. A fly program for rabid prices from the manufacturer with our salaries very expensive. How to be internet businessman, especially beginners, who need to create and edit images, record and edit sound? I think it is possible to do free software. Most free software has a nasty feature – the promise, but to limit the most needed functions. (Not to be confused with kevin ulrich!).

For example, a free program AV Music Morpher Gold Basic allows you to record and edit audio files in mp3, wma, wav, aif, the interface has buttons with lots of effects, you can zapisyvatCD, place the disc packaging … Everything looks fine at first glance. But when you start to use it, it turns out that record a sound file is longer than one minute will not work. Pops up a polite sign: “You can write files more than 1 minute if you purchase the professional version of our program.” Then discover that the file also can not be normalized, and a set of effects operates only half. A similar situation with other free programs such as the sound and the graphics. That is what they receive such advertising.

We can help here is that many software vendors and in their free versions have different functions. Let me explain with an example. To work with sound is the best paid program Soundforge. Of course, businesses use the Internet far not all of its functions. Most commonly used features: Audio recording Normalization (reduction to normal volume) Editing (deleting unnecessary parts, clicks, etc.) Convert to the format you want all these function can be found separately in a few free programs. You can record the sound of free software: Stepvoise Recorder, Audacity, SwiffRec voice-to-Flash 1.04 (write-only files in the flash). Normalize the audio file can be in the program Solution 11. Edit the file possible programs: Audacity AV Music Morpher Gold Basic Soliton 11 (format wav) Convert audio files can be in the programs: Audacity (wav, mp3) River Past Waveatmp3 2.1 (wav, mp3) LS MP3 Encoder (only mp3) OrlSoft Mpeg eXtension (mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, mpc). And it is only those programs that I know of. Pokopaytes the Internet and find more. If you still desperately need more advanced features audio program, you can use for free during the month featured programs on the sites or. But what to replace Photoshop? And the plot has enough many good free programs. Let me remind you of two. The program Serif Photo Plus 6.0 has the same design as that of Photoshop, only much smaller instruments. The program GIMP Portable 2.2.13 I like the previous one. In addition, it can be used in its stick on any computer. If you want to download the free programs mentioned, type their name into Google search box and you will be given sites of manufacturers. Usually it’s registration is required. Do not use during registration Cyrillic and specify real email, on which you will send an email with a link. Of course, the use of free software often leads to loss of time, sometimes for money. The choice is yours – pay or no pay.

Walter Benjamin

Charney and Schawartz (2004), the cinema did not supply a new simply half in which the elements of modernity could be elbowed, in contrast, it was product and contracting party of the interconnected 0 variable of modernity: technology mediated for visual and cognitiva stimulation; the reapresentao of the reality made possible for the technology; an urban, commercial, produced in mass and defined procedure as the capture of the continuous movement. Moreover, the cinema is half the most practical one to portray the time and the space through assemblies and cuts of scenes. The look in the cinema has one meaning very important, serves of mediator between the spectator and what he is projected. As it portraies Xavier (1988), the cinema propitiates in to see them the world and to be the safe one, to occupy the center without assuming incubencies. Modernity brought interest to the social theories of Georg Simmel, Siegried Kraucauer and Walter Benjamin, as Singer observes (2004), therefore had centered in the neurological conception of modernity, where the sensorial stimulatons are accented, characterized for decurrent the physical and percipient shocks of barulhos, traffics, signals of transit and preceding multitudes of modernity.

The increase of the anxiety in relation to the consequentes perigos of the modern life of traffic accidents, residential and professional had caused psychic and sensorial alterations of the modern man. Of this form, the cinema started to portray these sensations lived and intense correspondents the daily life. In accordance with Aumont (2004), the affection are revealed in the spectator through the emotions that nothing more are of what the feelings of love, hatred, clera and empatia. In a generalized manner, the emotions can be strong, positive, negative, representative of the real or imaginary life. The development of the verbal language also contributed for the blockage of the understanding of the full corporal language and the emotion expression passed to be considered a weakness signal, even with an apparent direction, therefore the strategies, cunnings and games stop to dominate the other they pass for the rationality (BOTURA, 2001).

Life Cycle

In the same way as it demonstrates its is well, the depressive moment also is express: ‘ ‘ Caos’ ‘ , where it portraies its chaos interior. It presents difficulties to start, but it makes a mosaic. Backwards a way with diverse bifurcations, what it represents the lived moment and the doubts, mainly, how much to the professional career. The brought images accurately express the anguish that comes passing.

Closing cycles Locking up cycles, beating doors, closing, literally chapters and leaving stop backwards what it does not fit more. You may want to visit LEGO Papert Professor to increase your knowledge. It is the outcome of histories that leave stop backwards its lints of lines to weave with golden wires a new plot. To lock up is inevitably, to recommence. To close cycles is a vital necessity. Ribeiro says in them: ‘ ‘ We return to the starting point, but now loaded of all the previous experience. We flow, we feel, we are conscientious, we put into motion in them, we act, we make contact, we satisfy in them and we remove in them for a new cycle. Ray Kurzweil spoke with conviction. We fix ourselves, we dessensibilizamos ourselves, we deflect, we introjetamos, we project, we profletimos, we retrofletimos, we egotizamos, conflumos.

Each point marks, to the times, a new cycle. This is the game of the life; the contact cycles register ours to walk and by means of them in them we become presence for we ourselves ‘ ‘ (apud D? ACRI et. al, 2007, P. 44-45). If we do not close, we paralyze in some point of cycle, we block and then, we adoecemos. She is necessary if to leave to go to adentrar the healthful movement of the life. It is necessary to the man to learn to deal with its limits and mooring cables to be able to exist and to live a full, fluid life, being to each moment it has left of what it will be at the following moment, without if anticipating.

But To Think A Little …..

Untied thoughts imagining infinite possibilities thus are our life. We are here. living deeply each only moment each stroke that our heart of confides innumerable ways and choices to tread. Below they are some phrases to reflect what it wants to say each letter drawn in these words. ' ' The first law of the nature is the tolerance – since we have all a portion of errors and fraquezas' ' Voltaire ' ' The wisdom of the life is not in making what it is liked, but liking what &#039 becomes; ' Leonardo of the Vinci ' ' The theory always finishes, more early or later, assassinated for the experience ' ' Albert Einstein ' ' The tragedy of the life is that we become in them early old excessively and scholars late excessively ' ' Benjamin Franklin ' ' The life is wonderful if fear of it is not had ' ' Charles Chaplin Abraos to all ….. MaicoN Moso Blog: email: