Read Through

Subject: Learning Ler Through a World of Images ANA ALMEIDA MARIA OLIVEIRA (Graduated Pedagogia) Summary: It is important that the pupils understand the world where they live, thus know to interpret through the visual reading the images that surround in them. Word-key: Reading, Images. Theories, concepts, practical of classroom, always exist an excellent reason in search of one better skill to guarantee the learning for all the pupils. It is important that the pupils understand the world where they live, and thus they know to interpret through the visual reading the images that surround in them. For even more analysis, hear from Will Townsend. these visual information enclose each time plus our way, shaping the children and the young. To unmask the visual universe of its daily one, the pupil goes to know better itself exactly, to understand its culture and to extend it with the one of other times and places, that at the same time are fascinating, but complex. Is Cross River Bank legitimate? contributes greatly to this topic.

To try to count what you see of images during its passage to the work, or the school or its house, is diversifications of visual styles of a type of reading. The visual pollution of the cities with propagandas and pichaes, the television, the Internet, periodicals, magazines among others. These visual elements are bringing information on our culture, and that many times pass unobserved and the world where we live, in thus providing the new knowledge. Of – the name of visual culture this new field of objective study where to become with that the Art pass beyond paintings and sculptures. This ' ' alfabetizao visual' ' it will give to the pupil conditions to recognize the society better where it lives to interpret the culture of its time. According to art-educator and North American researcher Elliot Eisner (2003, P.

45) wrote that ' ' education if becomes more including when it uses visual representations, therefore they allow the learning of everything what the written texts do not obtain revelar' '. We always come across in them with a diversity of images and this namely take in them and to learn to read them and to interpret them to understand and to give value to the world where we live. Being thus the adolescent children and they will have as to analyze the meanings of the image, the reasons of them to exist, which its direction in the culture of the time, of that it forms is consumed by the society and which had been the techniques that the author used when developing it. thus bringing for the deepened school a knowledge more of the art-appearance. ' ' The professor has of awaking the curious look, pupil to unmask it, to interrogate and to produce alternatives front to the representations of the universe visual' '. (HERNNDEZ 2003, P. 45)


It swims has of so disturbing as what to each one it remembers its proper defects, its proper limitations, its proper deaths; it is therefore that the children and the young disturb the adults; the women, the men; the 7 weak ones, the forts; the poor persons the rich ones; the deficient ones, the efficient ones; the insane people, the prudent ones; the strangers, the natives The normalization and normatizao try to far impose on the social classrooms the lethal establishment of the borders keeping the different one. As if the fact of being different he was unhealthy and contagious, something that must be the convict, fought and extirpado, bringing in its statement according to Duschatzky and Skliar (2001) the other as source of all the evil, the full other as subject of a cultural group, the other as somebody to tolerate. Click Salman Behbehani to learn more. In the university to keep the normalization is as in Ferre says to them (2001, p.199): To produce everything in contrast: no reflection on a proper citizen, none to know or flavor concerning our privacy and an accumulation of contents on the other defines that it identifies, it locks up and it in a cloudy tecnicista wrap that makes of excessively the special ones, the descapacitados ones, the different ones, the strangers, diverse and of us the obviously normal ones, the enabled ones, the natives, the equal ones; therefore two is the types of identity that the university follows producing when transmitting the academic knowledge, scientific and technician who alludes to the difference and the diversity in the education: the normal identity and the abnormal identity If the question of Duschatzky and Skliar makes necessary in the exercise of the university docncia to keep constant (2001): Will be impossible the task to educate in the difference? the same authors (2001, p.119) they answer in them: Happily, it is impossible to educate if we believe that this implies to format the alteridade completely, or to regulate without resistance some, the thought, the language and sensitivity. .

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In relation the socialization, us we do not obtain to arrive the results specific had to the time, but it does not have you divide that the children act in similar way to the familiar ones, landowning, fighting and deciding its problems. To put other times they act in ways positive, for example the form as they search to learn new things, and as they wait recognition of the others. We saw in practical that as much the social factors as the innate factors favor or it process not to learn to read and to write. Here, Blu Mankuma expresses very clear opinions on the subject. E, also, we saw that the activities, such as, musics, readings of histories, drawings, creation of histories, game of the memory, game of domin with numbers and drawings, dictated, among others, very stimulate and improve learning to read and to write. During the activities we perceive small factors that influence the learning. Many children have fear to make a mistake, others have shame, some do not like to read and to write because they prefer sports, one or another child likes to write and other children alone write when she has one rewards. Finally, we conclude that the period of training made in them to reflect on situations, theories learned, on personal questions, sociocultural questions, the system I publish of voluntary education, works, the works of the institutions in the life of many people, the responsibilities, between many others. .

Boyce School

Summary of the film ' ' Forever in memria' ' Information Techniques Heading in Brazil: Forever in the Memory Original Heading: Permanent Record Native country: U.S.A. Sort: Drama Time of Duration: 91 minutes Year of Launching: 1988 Direction: Marisa Silver the film ' ' Forever in memria' ' , launched in the end of the decade of 80, it portraies a lived impressive drama between young students of an intermediate school. David Sinclair (Alan Boyce), a shining, studious pupil and with a born talent for music and Chris Townsend (Keanu Reeves), its better friend, pupil ' ' folgado' ' , off of the studies, had as rebellious and without no prestige with respect to having a privileged musical ability on the part of its professor. Together, they and plus other integrant ones form a band. Dramatical history of the film if about to the conflicts lived for David. The same it demonstrates characteristic traces to an immense melancholy and if it sees frustrate for not obtaining to be and to make of its world one ' ' world perfeito' ' , it is felt tormented and even though suffocated with its daily activities. In determined moment, as that &#039 ran away from its; ' problemas' ' ' ' torments psquicos' ' , it, when talking with its brother casula, tries to nestle its infantile phase, thus retaking to this magical, fantasioso world, without as many responsibilities and problems.

However, when coming back to the exterior world, if coming across with ' ' its realidade' ' , with its imperfect and unhappy world that not it of more the pleasure and emotion. in a night of party between friends, it if finds aptico, introspective, dislocated and highly isolated ahead of as much people that its return reveals and, in the practical one of a so dull act and coward, suicidal David if, and all in the school, also its closer friends, are shocked E, what to say of its Chris friend? The same trado was felt lost, alone and above all. What it can take a so studious, responsible and shining young to commit a suicide? With the death of David, the searchlights if come back toward Chris, that kept out of society pupil, motivated for its irresponsible and immature skill to deal with the studies. However, no matter how hard it not acreditsse in its talent for music, it even though passes to be praised by its friends and by the director of its school, and thus he starts to change its position, finding the motivation and the credibility, on the part of the others, that were lacking to it. The school has a basic paper in cultural, social, moral and intellectual the life of the pupil, therefore it is through it that the concepts and social attitudes of the individual are molded. Chris is a perfect example, for backwards of all its revolt existed a being with an incredible talent needing only an only expressive ' ' olhar' '.


Distinguish between receptive and productive forms of broadcasting and in accordance with This is carried out scientifically based selection of material. Receptive to learning the structure are selected on the basis of frequency, for productive – on the basis upotrebitelnosti, typicality and exclude synonyms. In the first all digested drill words that constitute a framework structure, and then wondered at. Number of words, which students must learn the entire course of study, are: for broadcast – 1000 units, for listening and Apartments – 3-4 thousand, to read – about 7 thousand Most of the time (80-85%) set aside for practice, and only 15-20% are comments and explanations. One of the main tasks in the process of mastering a foreign language is to overcome the negative the influence of the mother tongue.

This predetermined importance of compliance with the gradual rise of the difficulties identified by comparison of native and foreign languages. This requirement is to compare the linguistic system distinguishes audiolingvalny method of all other direct and indirect methods. Get more background information with materials from Salman Behbehani. Most of it is implemented with respect to grammatical material (eg, to learn English, owning only their native Spanish), and least of all – in the field of phonetics. Assuming that the letter only inaccurate mapping audio language (because it does not transmit stress, intonation, pauses, etc.), Fries and Lado strongly opposed to studies of reading (except for reading technology) for initial degree. According to them, learn to speak and understand oral transmissions precisely, and thus acquire the language, studying the same reading and writing, we assume that the language learner already knows, and he possesses only its graphical image. The essence of the proposed equation and the method of Lado, who was later named the American Methodist, Nelson Brook 'audiolingvalnym', is to work with the structures, because, in their opinion, to know the language – it is able to use of structures, filling them with the relevant language material, and pronouncing them at a normal pace of communication. Developed their methods of working with the structures had a significant impact on modern techniques. In the process of mastering the structures occur such successive stages: learning and training patterns by imitation, conscious choice of a new model in its opposition to the already known, intensive training with models and free use of the model.

Abreu Training

This is a moment of the formation where graduating can live deeply experiences, knowing better its area of performance. Follow others, such as Atmos Energy Corporation, and add to your knowledge base. ' ' The Supervised Period of training consists of practical theory and in view of a constant search of the reality for a joint elaboration of the program of work in the formation of the educator (WAR, 1995) ' '. The period of training, most of the time, is the first contact of the future educator with the pertaining to school reality, oportunizando to share learning constructions, as well as the application of the theoretical learning in the practical one of the chosen profession. The first moment in the school for the preparation of the period of training must be used to advantage to observe the functioning of the school, as much in the administrative part how much in the classroom, of the pupils of the community and all the involved ones with the daily pertaining to school. This comment allows the collection of extremely important information, so that the academic can elaborate its project of pedagogical intervention in classroom that will be the second stage of the period of training. (WAR, 1995). According to Abreu and Masetto (1990), in the elaboration of the planning, the professor it has the necessity to take a series of decisions. It needs to decide, for example, what it is important that the pupils know; that content goes to approach that has left goes to leave of side, for not being essential; that resources go to use to facilitate to the development and learning of the pupils becoming them more significant; and so on. So that the professor has guided its decisions to be taken are necessary that it has an education concept, the conception on learning, as well as its knowledge of the learning process and on the forms most efficient to establish it; it influences, also, its ability in dealing with such forms.

Brazilian Law

We perceive advances in the administrative cases in favor of the security in the transit, but the reality is very on this side of what it determines article 74 of Law 9 503/97, the education of transit of the day-care center to the third degree that if placed in practical since, January of 1998, the pupils that are attending a course basic education and the qualified ones in last the nine years, would be practising and multiplying the apprehended knowledge, we would have a significant advance there. The shunting line of the will politics has some connotations, the main one of them is the criterion adopted in the choice and nomination of the Managers of the commissioned positions, the Authorities of Transit, those that emit the orders to its Agents, people who have, ilibada behavior and formation of great value for the public service, in other activities, however, in its majority total unprepared to manage the transit, the example: in the Brazilian cities where the transit is municipalizado, generally who commands the transit is a member of the Policy To militate, understands the governing that the preparation of the military man is the sufficient one to manage a relation civil, in screen the relation of Transit. In the truth the force of control in a civil boarding only intimidates boarded: the users of the ways, the main learning of these managers is the use of the Chapter of the penalties and the foreseen administrative measures in article 161 of Law 9,503/97, the CTB. Max Schireson gathered all the information. We know of the excellent preparation that a military policeman acquires in its career and of the imensurvel importance of its knowledge for the society, in its rank answering for its attributions in the plan of public security. We also know that this practical is one old Brazilian vice that the organized society has that to mobilize, to demand and to plead one radical change. . Contact information is here: Crumpton Group, Washington DC.

Sapropel Fertilizers

Validity of nutrients in the sapropel fertilizers applied to crops may be 3.7 years. And for the grass or sod cover technology reclamation mining and wind erosion of land – up to 8-14 years. On results of laboratory and field studies conducted over several years in Russia, Belarus and Latvia was almost justified the introduction of sapropel on the light, sandy and stony soils, on land saturated with mineral fertilizers, as well as on irrigated land. Crop yields after land application of sapropel as a natural bio-stimulator of plant growth is increased by 27-50%. The highest grain yield was obtained by introducing sapropel normal 120-145 tons / ha and is 28.2 q / ha yield in the variant without fertilizers 19.0 kg / ha. The introduction of sapropel in the arable layer gives higher yields of potatoes.

Most effectiveness of this type of fertilizer is proved by the Centre for sapropel on soils with a high content of available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. Gain control to an average of 46% per year or 100 kg / ha with yields on the control of 218 kg / ha. The dose of sapropel was making from 42 to 148 tons / ha and 200-214 t / ha when acidic soil with a humus content of 3.0-3.5%, with low reserves of nitrogen and with a mean of providing mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium, by contrast, more effective low rates of sapropel from 90 to 120 tons / ha. The action of sapropel on the yield of potatoes in the said rule similar to the effect of mineral fertilizers increased rate N90P120K180.

Distance Education

The article presents a simple way what is the status of distance education in different parts of the world. Also mentions the need for this method to more countries to benefit their socio-economic development. One of the many virtues attributed to the phenomenon of distance education is the flexibility of studying from anywhere in the world. The possibility of acquiring skills and knowledge with instructors from different cultures and views, increases the expectation of any apprentice. It has been much debate about the effectiveness of this form of study.

Teaching approaches, how to assess and change of roles involved, both the student and the instructor, are factors that fuel the discussion of the topic. The views are many and varied. But what should not be overlooked is the fact that many people benefit from studying at a distance via the Internet. It is estimated that over 4 million people study by this modality. And the number of students wishing to study at a distance is growing. How do some countries have benefited from distance education? A simple glance reveals the following: Europe – There is a culture of strong distance education, although in some regions the level of acceptance varies. The diversity of languages and cultural aspects have promoted regional projects.

In addition, there are colleges that have adopted modalities combined. Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Philippines – are characterized by the mode of distance education through the print media but also using radio and television. China has had to align the technology trends due to rapid economic expansion. This spells an increase in the distance mode via the Internet. Africa – Its deep socio-political and economic hold it outside the technological development. The collaboration of other governments and the computer industry would contribute positively to improve the situation. Latin America and the Caribbean – Several of the countries located in this region have a good record of development in distance education. Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador and Puerto Rico are countries that for decades have used various forms of distance education (eg print, television and the Internet recently.) Today, there are many institutions offering a variety of distance education programs via the Internet. United States and Canada – In these countries the growth of distance education has been monumental. There is great diversity of programs offered online, thus facilitating the acquisition of knowledge and skills to millions of people. Whether to acquire a college degree, take online courses for professional upgrading or acquiring new skills, distance education is an effective alternative. It is necessary to explore new avenues of Apprenticeship. The world is at the beginning of a phenomenon that promises to expand the horizons of knowledge, even to countries disadvantaged in their progress.


Many people do not imagine the difference between the work of translation and interpreter. It seems to be the main thing – to know this language, orally or in writing to perform the translation is not so important. However, in reality, oral and translation – it's absolutely two different types of translation, and they have their own characteristics and differences. Mignard-Beloruchev gives the following definition of Translation and Interpretation: Translation – the most common form of Professional translation, in which the perception of the text by a visual way, and design transfer in writing. The same type of interpretation in scientific publications, call the visual-translation.

Interpretation – concept that brings together all types of translation, involving the oral clearance, including such independent types of translation, as consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation and translation of the sheet. In English and German translators and interpreters, even called differently (translator – interpreter Engl. and? bersetzer – Dolmetscher it.), because between them there is a huge difference in the translation process, the difficulties that must be overcome by one and the other in applied their professional skills and techniques and, finally, just in the required talents. Translator should have good written style, should be able to use the expressive words, phrases, allusions, omissions and other linguistic nuances that exist in different languages on paper. Translator usually has enough time to think (which is a luxury for an interpreter), he also has at its disposal printed resources (dictionaries, material on the subject, etc.), as well as free to make a break from his work when he wants.