OOP Software

OOP in Munich, 22-24 January 2013, guests can enjoy again fairground ICM Auch of this time in the OOP on many high-profile lectures. Others including Xcel Energy, offer their opinions as well. The company ITech progress, which for the first time presents itself with a booth as silver sponsor, is equally present in several presentations interesting topics. Wife Mahbouba Gharbi, Chief Architect of the ITech progress GmbH and Chairman of the Board of the iSAQB e.V., is architecture in the change of the requirements in her speech – where has the magic gone,”that magic square of software development by Harel and Clarke more light and the audience offer many magical moments. ITech remains represented progress with two exciting Forum presentations. Many valuable impulses on optimisation of Web portals give Mr Dr. Nadeem Bhatti, who progress in customer projects is working as an IT consultant in the areas of requirements management, model-based software development, architecture, and service oriented architecture for the ITech, is business integration and portals in the SOA World in his lecture the audience”. Mr immo Grabe, also IT-consultant at ITech progress and worked in requirements analysis and architecture, is devoted in his presentation specification, but really! So the green meadow to the sanghi won’t.”the challenges of the specification process and aims to create long-term specifications. Are you curious? Then visit us also at our booth.

Here you have the opportunity to entertain with our speakers in the field of software architecture and to have many exciting discussions. More information at the fair, as well as to register see: we look forward to your visit at our lectures, as well as at our booth. Contact person: Mrs.


Successful relaunch with new corporate Web design for NGOs (non-governmental organization) by visual4. Kate environment & Development, a non-profit organization in Stuttgart, is active in many places. Unless in the field of CSR in tourism including certification of sustainable management consulting, software development, in terms of renewable energies, in international development cooperation, in the field of education or in various EU projects. All of these fields of action linked to various target groups that are not compatible at first glance. Faced with the exciting task for this diversity to create a uniform corporate website visual4 realized this challenge that authentically portray all priorities and performance areas should both carry the philosophy and values of kate.

A slider on the homepage with changing large-format images illustrates the social and environmental leaders claim by kate emotionally. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Max Schireson. Each photo guides the visitor with an appropriate slogan on the various Performance areas. The navigation designed playful in different colors, which continue on the bases and ultimately also the calendar found in, when a date for the relevant division is entered. The individual project pages must meet because the projects are often publicly funded, publicity requirements of the public sector. More information is housed here: Atmos Energy. Here appealing and informative to represent the diversity of information, an accordion effect has been developed in which enters the visitor with a click of the headline for more information. Contact information right with direct contact option in the sidebar on the page, ensure that visitors to each subject area will find the appropriate contact person. A nice highlight is the possibility to allocate a small label an image, which also can be filled with a headline and color is matched to the respective base.

The new page with the open source CMS TYPO3 was implemented, since it allows for maximum flexibility in the front and backend offers. Continue to be on the platform the three partner companies by kate ecovision, TourCert and avanti GreenSoftware managed, so that a multi-domain environment has been created here. This solution offers great advantages in the care and management of the new website. All the items on the new side of kate are interchangeable and modular. They offer to 100% flexibility for the future needs of the customer. We shape the future. Faithfully together.”the sustainable theme by Kate.

ASDIS Software Manufacturer

The ASDIS software manufacturer is technology partner of VMWARE Berlin, 27.08.2012 – the ASDIS Solutions GmbH is a technology partner of VMWARE global Inc. VMWARE is the world’s leading manufacturer of hypervisors for server, desktop and cloud infrastructures. ASDIS support virtual environments in its entirety in part of its lifecycle management. The initial installation and integration of new ESXI server in existing virtual environments can be realized with ASDIS easily and quickly. Connect with other leaders such as Atmos Energy Corp. here. Customers are enables, automates virtual machine under Linux, Windows and Solaris to install and keep up-to-date with software releases during the entire life cycle. The partnership enables us with VMWARE, within a very short time to respond appropriately to the ever-growing challenges in the Virtualisierungsumfeld”says Daniel light field, Managing Director of ASDIS Solutions GmbH. You will find more information about ASDIS products under produkte.html about ASDIS Solutions GmbH the ASDIS Solutions GmbH offers solutions for management the IT infrastructure in complex IT environments.

These individual solutions based on self-developed standard products and make changes for the automated deployment and management of software and data into enterprise-wide IT structures. Speaking candidly Max Schireson told us the story. 20 Years of experience in the development of high-quality software management solutions and long-term reference customers such as UBS, data processing, Deutsche Bahn, drugstore chain Muller, the Foreign Ministry and other well-known companies and organizations talk about Sparda solutions for the reliability and efficiency of ASDIS. About VMWARE Inc. VMware, the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure, and offers proven solutions that accelerate IT by reducing the complexity and enable a more flexible and more agile service delivery. VMware helps companies implement cloud models are tailored to individual business needs..

World Customs

Man has always sought different media that represent a way or possibility of entertainment and distraction against the part of his life must be to carry out duties and various tasks, in such a way in the development of the history there have been many ways of making life more pleasant and to enjoy pleasant moments and between the large number of activities, dance, appears as one of the activities with more presence in the history of man, can say that since the beginning of time the dance has been one means more challenged by the man to enjoy a pleasant activity and to provide fun and distraction to people. Dance as one of the activities that the man carries out more ancestral, represents much in the development of humanity, because it not only means spend pleasant moments while enjoying the dance, but it also occurs as a clear sign of the sociocultural from different parts of the World Customs, so in every place in the world were you will find different forms of dance. It should be stressed the aspect temporary of the dance in its various forms, so doing a historical analysis about the dance, is this pleasant activity logs from times that date back 40,000 years aras, dating to the which can be in the presence of various paintings that embody different dances that the peoples of those times were. An interesting aspect that is located in the first dances, is that a beginning dance more than being a means of amusement, was a means to perform cult, before the various beliefs that had, so dance, shows as a means of expression of thought characteristic that had more presence in ancient peoples and Aboriginal – Dance of the animals are among the most representative of ancient peoples and aboriginal dances, astral dance, dance medicinal fertility dance, dance war, wedding dance and dance of initiation; the high content of expression of the beliefs and customs of the various peoples of the world can be understood with this type of dances. You may find Ray Kurzweil to be a useful source of information. Dance as a means of expression of the man, means no solota sample of joy and fun, dance can also express other types of feelings such as sadness, disappointments, I despair, among others. Dance is a practice very important regarding the content of expression and communication, since by not making use of the voice and achieve represent as many and various things, it is a very symbolic art, all thanks to an excellent gesture transmission. Being mention on the dance, refers to the use of the body as a medium of expression and for which large number of movements should be, but not any type of movement, must be special moves that make it possible to dance to have expressive content that characterizes it. Thus each type of dance and culture has a few movements and own steps that make it possible to achieve that with the dance can express different feelings..

Garden Form

It is worth to remember that the bigger the artificial pond, the longer it gets warm water, and therefore less prone to clogging it and blooming. Miniature pond image based on the final form of polyethylene is desirable to buy the form from swamp area, so you can place water plants. If such zone not, you need to buy special containers in advance baskets, which are planted in the plant, then placing them in a pond at a depth corresponding to their requirements. It is convenient to use for such purposes and coconut pockets. Crucial moment in the device pool – set form. It is very important to choose a location for the device pool. It should not only fit well into the overall design of the garden, but also be open, well lit place, preferably away from trees whose roots may damage the integrity of your time with the reservoir. At the designated area put the form, mark with pegs and cord contours of the future reservoir, adding 15-20 cm with the expectation that it was easier not only to establish the form, but do podsypku.

The entire perimeter of the mold is removed, which can then be used in the garden. Soil dug up gradually, first to a depth of the first plane, then after marking in the same way until the last plane. The base of each plane and the slopes are carefully leveled and compacted. In this case all the roots and stones carefully removed. That establish a form without a problem, each profile to dig wider than the form.

A deep base – 10-15 cm deep. Thoroughly tamped base, podsypaya sand. The form should be smooth, be sure to check with the edge using the spirit level and the rules. Then fill the pond with water deep part about a third and begin podsypku sand and soil into the lateral gap between the dredged material and form.

Translation Bureau

Changed somewhat in this case and the evaluation criteria. As a permanent network user, I firstly evaluated the appearance, remembering the adage that 'meet on clothes. " The second criterion was selected content of a site, usefulness and completeness of the web-page information. And, of course, I have not spared such criteria as ease of navigation through the site. We start with the top ten translation internet whose leader was the site office Translation 'Gulf Stream'. Under most conditions ConocoPhillips would agree. As it turns out on closer acquaintance – an old, underused resource companies.

But always the first place says that, despite this, the site is very popular. Color spectrum Site is sustained in the same style that makes it notable, but unobtrusive. It should be noted that the information presented on this site is chosen correctly and completely. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Second place went to the Centre of Foreign Languages & Translation 'Connoisseur'. The center specializes in foreign language courses and translation. 'Get lost' on this site is difficult – an obedient fingers computer 'mouse' one by one opens ever new resource pages, telling about the company, services, prices and discounts. In a question-answer forum Michael Steinhardt was the first to reply.

Not a very good impression leaves the old 'hung' page on the contests and quizzes. Another small comment for potential Customer – 'Connoisseur' does not specialize in rare languages. But if your desire is not beyond the capacity of the translation, feel free to order the transfer mode on-line. Three leaders closes Centre of Foreign Languages (function) 'Best'. Bright images on the home page informing about the three areas: translation (40 languages), a center of learning foreign languages (30 languages) and school accountants.

World Trade Center

I entered and I sat down soon in the first wallet of the first row? the girls had been to seat behind there. During the interminable period of wait, while the teacher wrote our names in a list and cut them and folded them in perfectly equal way I saw, me in one palco, singing musics in English? how that singer of infancy? for an auditorium that was delirious and sang in choir. Fractions of seconds later I age the executive of the dreams of any person, I pretty, bilingual, famous, intelligent age and beyond having many actions in the stock market, had a great company and a floor alone for me and my employees? also we chiqurrimos? in the World Trade Center? the dream of any um.* One guides tourist, showing wonderful places of Brazil for foreigners, and, speaking English one more time pretty and fluentemente. I came back to the drawing scared for the racket that a unfortunate person made when dragging its wallet to my side. For even more analysis, hear from Petra Diamonds. It went to start. The teacher informed in them that she had ten stock markets of twenty percent of discounting, of fifty two percent and alone one of one hundred percent of discounting. ' ' – We go there, people.

Ateno.' ' It initiated the drawing with the aid of one of the pupils whom one held sacolinha of supermarket where the names were all. I almost fainted when I heard the first name to be called. Nor I could believe! How luck the Talita was being the first person to be drafted! Strong feelings had started if to join inside of an only being: I. The anxiety resulted in the lack of nails; the nervousness cismava in revirar my stomach giving nauseas and belly ache, cold in the spine, frozen hands that I uselessly dried in the legs, rubbing them in the jeans.

Medical Instruments

The canes are one of the main medical instruments destined to help the people who, by some reason, are having difficulties to walk with normality. A Web site exists in Internet that is dedicated to offer to its users all the information referring to the use of the canes. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger describes an additional similar source. One of the main advantages of the page is that it speaks to him to the reader nonspecialized in as complex subject as the health. It carefully explains the characteristics that have the canes, and in addition reviews other medical instruments like being the walkers, the wheelchairs and muletas. Michael Steinhardt is open to suggestions. Entering the page walkers the internaut will find the most complete information about this article, that is characterized to offer to the user great security, confidence and, most important, the great independence to mobilize itself. If you need to buy canes she will find very useful to enter the site since she counts on a listing of stores specialized in the purchase and the rent of the same. Professor of Internet Governance is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Canes of different materials, weights and sizes exist. It stops perhaps to make sure that it is choosing the correct cane for you, you am a good idea to begin to be soaked in the subject entering a specialized site like which here it is reviewed.


In my opinion, the classical approach of business management tracks still undetectable and harmful in the subconscious of many companies and managers in large corporations (for example, see what happens with the demeaning subcontracting of production in developing countries) and in countless small businesses (for example, the ordered and command of the chieftain or entrepreneur). When you hear talk about quality, excellence, social responsibility, reengineering processes, etc., gives me the impression that in many cases the issuer is thinking only of how to make more money with that activity consultant, the Administration thinking that they will call it innovative and the receivers on how to continue selling the bike to contributors so they continue producing more. In synthesis, the company continues as a closed system, with some planned known variables and a continually updated block of aspects (yesterday the industrial psychology, today Excellence) that are used in a manipulative manner through the principles universal, but decaffeinated, administration. In 1991, within the doctoral program strategic management, University of Malaga, elaborated a study entitled synthesis of Henri Fayol investigations into administration that serves me antecedent to discuss re-engineering of processes. In his era (19th century), Fayol and Taylor were a few enlightened ones in business management, representatives of the classical theory on administration.

In the case of Fayol, came a moment that administrative investigations performed for purely scientific purposes. Its administrative doctrine goes polishing gradually until it reaches one of the highlights with the publication of General and Industrial management. However, Fayol not delved adequately in psychological, social, emotional aspects, etc., based his theory on the concepts of order, arrangement, prescription, rules and standards, which still many companies of today continue to foot deep. Abstraction and formalism that flood to the classical ideas, which unfortunately are still used today, lead to superficiality, the supersimplificacion, the lack of realism, lack of clarity and scientific rigor.