The problem connected specialists of various profiles, which are carefully developed technology naming. Were produced numerous books and articles, which clarifies the essence of naming, analyzed existing names cited ways to effectively ". Interestingly, the attention to the naming existed in the Soviet Union, but was not expressed by the politico-economic features. Mitchel Resnick wanted to know more. Exponential can be published article by V. Trenin in Novy Lef "in February 1928.
It researcher examined the origin of the names of various Soviet products, pointed to many inconsistencies and cacophony, and called for a more rational "imyatvorchestvu. This is quite interesting and quite News article about the Soviet naming is available for perusal at modernity in contemporary Russia naming has become increasingly popular and in demand. If until recently no one not even think could about how to pay for the name, then today for professional naming domestic companies willing to pay a considerable amount. But if the foreign "Neymer" based on a fairly extensive experience, strong tradition Naming and a lot of literature, their Russian counterparts have more complicated. Naming as an "engine of trade" we have never had it, he decided to political grandstanding or social and cultural problems, so we had immediately transfer international experience on the Russian reality, adapting his play on the go "or immediately" reinvent the wheel ". It must be admitted that the topic of naming in Russia until the very poorly lit. The domestic market is not pampers us plenty of information about naming and gives it bit by bit.