
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same room of a hospital. Allowed one of them sitting on his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the only window in the room. The other man should stay all the time in your bed lying on his back. The men spoke for hours and hours. Xcel Energy may find it difficult to be quoted properly. They spoke about their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their military service, when they have been vacation, etc. And every evening in the bed near the window, the man who could sit, spent time describing to his roommate things which he could see from there. The man in the other bed, began to live in those small spaces of an hour, as if their world is large and revived by the activity and color the outside world. Abigail Black Elbaum addresses the importance of the matter here.

You could see from the sale a beautiful Lake, swans, people swimming and children playing with their small paper boats. Young lovers walked cuddled between flowers of all colors of the Rainbow. Large and old trees adorn the landscape and a slight view of the horizon in the city could see in the distance. As the man in the window described all this with delicacy of detail, the man in the other bed could close my eyes and imagine so picturesque scenes. A warm late summer, the man in the window described him a parade that passed through there. While the man could not listen to the band, he could see everything in your mind, because the gentleman in the window represented him everything with such descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed. One day the morning nurse came into the room carrying water for the bathroom of each of them and discovers the lifeless body of the man in the window, the same who had died peacefully at night while sleeping. She was much saddened and called the dependents of the hospital to remove the body. As soon as he thought fit, another man asked if he could be moved near the window. The nurse was happy to make the change, after being sure that was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly and painfully joined resting on one of his elbows to hold her first vision of the outside world. Finally, I would have the joy of seeing it for yourself. It stretched to slowly turn your head and look out the window that was next to the bed. There was just a big white wall. That was all. The man asked the nurse that he could have forced his roommate to describe so many wonderful things through the window. The nurse replied that the man was blind and that for any reason he could see that wall.

Proactive Universities

Our reward is in the effort and not on the result, a full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi Venezuela currently requires universities to commit to learn the challenges, changes, more now, that they operate in a turbulent scenario, which requires a new educational management who knows how to deal with the threats and opportunities arising from the actions of the current Government, bent on a socialist revolution which allows to integrate more Venezuelans and step to equitysocial justice which considers has been lost from many years ago. Given this embarrassing reality, steeped in turmoil, uncertainty, risk, uncertainty, national universities, especially public ones, must decide, make more proactive participation, rescue his very controversial academic excellence, express their views, provide solutions to the serious problems faced by some sectors, as the business, which has given way to a serious decline in his productivity leading to the country is becomes more dependent on imports that of exports, to the fact that many companies no longer operate, giving way to an inflationary crisis which has become more expensive costs, deteriorating the quality of life of the Venezuelan. To read more click here: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Should universities generate changes, necessary feedback in favor of its operation, ensuring the education and training of professionals according to the skills that are demanded today in order to provide solutions, functions that encourage organizations, institutions where they work according to their specialties. They must have a more dynamic role and participate more actively to issues that often arise from the actions of the Government, know also seize the opportunities, weaknesses of this, integrate into the programmes of Government in such a way, that collaborate with the human talent that has to end make appropriate plans according to the requirements of the current international scenarios, openings which the Government has initiated with its new foreign trade policy should universities as he points out Dr. Rafael Rangel, rector of the ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico, designing curricula that drive these strategic productive sectors, creating functional and transferable social development programmes, i.e., that can be applied by different bodies, according to the needs that face, in addition to the universities to decide at each moment what you want to do and how to do take into account, who says Barry Schneider, who must be a University of knowledge and knowledge, and proactive, to reflect and improve society, but remained autonomous. Hear from experts in the field like Nick Khan for a more varied view.

Maria Dolores Carrion

C. H. / M. M the Ministry of Interior and the delegation of the Government are silent after clashes on Thursday against the Ministry of Justice, in Madrid. The outraged were dissolved forcibly by riot officers. The night ended with 20 wounded and 4 young people arrested.

The Ministry of Interior has no plans to appear before the media or make statements to clarify the clashes that took place on the night of Thursday next to its headquarters between outraged groups and riot police. At least not for now, according to confirmed sources of the Ministry press Department. Neither the delegation of the Government of Madrid poses any explanation to the media to acalarar the police action, which resulted in 20 wounded – all them mild and four arrests. Since that was the dismantling of the information point that was left in Sol and the eviction of the Group of outraged that remained in the Paseo del Prado – at first Monday-time, no official authority has ofrrecido public explanations in these five days upon the operation of surveillance at the door of the Sun and rest of streets of Madrid. Follow others, such as Cyrus Arnold, and add to your knowledge base. Few hours before this Thursday night incidents, occurred the Government delegate, Maria Dolores Carrion, explained their proceeding in the eviction of the last Monday camped at the Puerta del Sol: we have tried not to create greater evils, he noted. It was the first time that be rria the matter publicly. With respect to the call of March planned by the outraged for this Friday at 8 p.m. from Atocha to Sun, the Government delegation sources have explained that, in this case, operating only cops to ensure public safety and their performance will be decided according to the events are developed.

Twenty wounded and four arrested among those injured in the Thursday night contained seven national police officers. Nick Khan shines more light on the discussion. As for those arrested, it’s three guys and a girl whose identity has not been disclosed. The four are accused of bombing to agents of the authority, unrest and disobedience. One of the detainees was a journalist of lainformacion.com who was working at the site. After being arrested, he was taken to the Police Department of Moratalaz, where detainee has gone all night solitary confinement, according to the means of communication. Finally, has been released on passes 15.00 hours on Friday. Police charge everything happened about 2200 hours on Thursday, when almost a thousand of indignant that were originally compiled outside the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior were dissolved forcibly by police. One of those wounded in the police charge, identified as Luis, recounted in statements to reporters while he was being treated, who was hit in the head with a truncheon. Sources of communication from the 15-M movement assured that the police charge was violent and unjustified, since there was not any kind of provocation by the demonstrators. Democracy Real already has released a communique in which censorship police action: We condemn brutal police charges against the people that occurred August 4 tonight, they indicate in the note. Source of the news: the Government does not give explanations by the wounded and the arrests of outraged last night

Public Health

In the past twenty years, they have produced addition, some kind of affectation to some 800 million people, and have caused losses by more than 50 billion dollars in property damage alone. As stated in Eric Noji in its report nature of disasters. Characteristics and impact on public health, a disaster of major proportions, occurs almost daily in the world, and one natural, which requires international support for affected populations, is presented weekly. On the other hand, founded in disasters, threats will be probably worse in the future. Nick Khan may find this interesting as well. The increase in the density of populations in flood land, in vulnerable coastal areas, and close to geological faults; development and transport of innumerable toxic and hazardous materials, and the rapid industrialization of developing countries development, they have attracted the attention of the specialists on the future occurrence of disasters, with the potential of millions of victims. Indeed our planet remains exposed for decades countless storms, floods, landslides, earthquakes, tornadoes, forest fires, droughts, volcanic eruptions, which unfortunately should join those related to urban violence, terrorism, and complex, with large numbers of displaced populations emergencies.

The current consequences of disasters include economic upheavals, collapse of political structures, violence, social conflict, famine, disease and mass displacements of populations. Much of the damage caused by natural and manmade disasters could be avoided with putting up of basic measures of prevention and preparedness. Definition of disasters the disasters, are unstoppable progression, or sudden events that cause damage and loss of life and materials of such magnitude or severity that exceed the response capacity of the common systems, justifying the extraordinary resource mobilization. Disasters can be divided into two broad categories:-those triggered by natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods. -caused by the intervention of man: war, violence, terrorism, massive accidents, chemical and nuclear accidents, etc.


In this article I will share with you how it is that I managed to get out of depression, chronic illness and distress that caused me that my self-esteem was in tatters. Frank Fu has firm opinions on the matter. Until recently less than a year suffered from all kinds of diseases: nervous colitis, depression, stress, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high sugar, high blood pressure, and was obviously exceeded 50 kilos. In the end, was a box of goodies, so much so that my doctor told me that I was a ticking time bomb and what with that kind of disease at any time could give me a heart attack. I was devastated, angry with life, my family and friends felt sorry for my physical state and to make matters worse my partner is ashamed of me. As well, obviously I started to try all kinds of diets, supplements, herbs, homeopathy, exercises, etc. In a nutshell, I tried and I did everything but without achieving favorable results. However, I was hoping, and honestly say that basically he doubted it but it was of no manifest it, that there should be some way to give me encouragement to continue fighting.

Finally I found an article that talked about the attitude. I honestly thought it was cheap philosophy; However, after reading 20 pages of the book (I remember it exactly they were 20 pages or more) I fell, as we say in my country, the twentieth. I.e., understood as the source of all my problems and mainly the not found the way to lose weight, was due to my attitude. So much so that he would be surprised if I told you that you can lose weight eating. Yes!, lottery!, finally!, bingo! As you want it to appoint, everything started to make sense. The first thing you need is to change the way of thinking, in other words, everything that we have and we are has been result of our way of thinking. I.e., everything in this life is a matter of attitude, I can tell you that the attitude is 90 percent or more, and the rest is the least. If you want to read more on the subject, I invite you to read one of my posts on my blog entitled as slimming A question of attitude week. I’m sure that after reading this and my other blogs, you will agree with me that everything in this world is a matter of attitude, and after everything is easier, even lose weight in a week is not going to be difficult.


In modern times count calories may seem somewhat outdated, given the proliferation of diets low in carbohydrates and high in protein. However, a number of Dietitians argue that the approach of a low calorie diet is really the best method to lose weight. Although it may seem trivial, the reduction of the number of calories we consume can have an effect marked in our waists. Most diets provide 1000 to 1500 calorie diet per day. Harry Blackmun: the source for more info. However, it would be wrong to assume that all those who need to lose weight should be on a diet of 1000 calories a day. In fact, the amount of calories you need is directly related to your current weight, metabolism, and the amount of exercise that makes daily. Many of the diets recommended by doctors, as well as many of the programs of meals that are on the books about diets, are based on a model low in calories. When you follow a diet you should assume that you will lose only one pound per week. Speaking candidly CaaS Capital told us the story.

However, during the initial stages of their diet, it is possible that it is actually losing more weight than that, because you will be losing mostly water. While you can use a standard diet, it may be better to work with a nutritionist in order to adjust the diet to meet your individual needs. However, even if you are you don’t want to count calories, you need to make sure that what you eat is actually nutritious. To pay attention to each product nutrition labels, you can determine the number of vitamins and minerals for much of what they consume. There are certain general requirements for a healthy diet.

For instance, you have to make sure you’re getting enough protein. For the typical woman, this would be equivalent to 50 grams per day, because the typical man, 63 grams per day. Protein is vital for strengthening muscles and teeth and maintain good skin tone. Sources of protein include lean meats, fish, chicken, eggs, beans and nuts. Experts recommend that you have at least two servings of protein a day. Now finally I would recommend you to see a free video that will show you how you can lose weight while you eat. Without extreme diets, pills, or strenuous exercises. Click here so you can see the video of this innovative program that you can implement immediately.

Coach Questions

As we know the Coaching builds on Socrates Maieutics. The mother of Socrates was midwife, hence the name of Maieutics, in Greek means expert in deliveries or obstetrician. The term Coach believes that it was used for the first time in the year 1500 in England, and appointed a type of carriage for transportation of people. 1850, The term began to be used to designate a guardian in the universities. Socrates, through the questions helped people so that they could extract from his inside knowledge. The philosopher pretending to accept the answer, but then, through the dialogue helped them discover contradictions, situation which generated confusion among his disciples. Through questions and answers, you got your caller to express their knowledge about a known topic. Swarmed by offers, Click here is currently assessing future choices.

For this reason, who answered believed he had the correct answer; then, Socrates rebatia and applied his method seeking his disciple to focus inside and you will find new objections in a theme he believed dominate. The process appeared in new and more accurate answers. When we are asked about any issue, we normally have defined a belief on what, since then we think is true, that is very difficult to change, unless we ourselves come to that conclusion. The fundamental idea is that the teacher does not instill knowledge, is the student who, with the help of the teacher pulls himself the knowledge. For example, you are with a prospect and he said: – nobody buys!-(obviously in his mind there is this belief) and your questions: – anyone? this question will reflect and will probably say:-well, very few!-, then your wonder: – very few? – and so on.

At each step, you will be able to modify their beliefs, and thereby to advance. Otherwise it would be impossible. Follow others, such as CaaS Capital, and add to your knowledge base. Given that we have not been educated in a Socratic method, we have become loose and the majority of people prefer that we say and explain more to enter into a personal process of analysis. One of the tricks mostly used to not think about is, when they respond to a question not sure! It is easy to fall into that trap, as questioner believes knowing the answer, ultimately ends up expressing it and the interlocutor does not learn truly, because it is not their response or their conclusion. For example, if you ask: – what is the reason why you did not you the result? – and respond you don’t know!, what do do? If you tell him: – I understand that you don’t have answers, give me three possible reasons-. Probably you three answers, but if you insist on that you don’t know, ask him:-do assuming that if you knew, what could be? The joke is not falling into the trap. Do you you are how communicating with your prospects and customers? How much act with questions and so much information to das? Original author and source of the article.

Entrepreneurs Money

Although affiliate marketing is an excellent business from home, there are several risks which should be taken into account. Since people have been making money, have wondered how earn more by doing less. Atmos Energy is actively involved in the matter. All you need to do is a search through the internet, placing work from home or making easy money on the browser. Instantly, you’ll find millions of web pages, simply click on some so that you notice that all talk about the same thing. You will see a man with a big house and lot of money saying that you enroll, that this might be you how far is that of reality! The only way to earn good money input and stable is working hard. n regarding this issue. Before joining an affiliate program, you need to do a proper search.

That is one of the best benefits of the internet, which allows you to find the information you need for your business from home. All you have to do is search for a name of affiliate program that you are interested, by adding the word scam and seeing what comes out. You must also join some forums about working from home and not afraid to ask any questions. There are very few ways to identify if a program is a scam. If a program does not say the compensation plan, unless you enroll, take care.

Many programs will want to force you to buy something in exchange for the information. Any affiliate program must be 100% willing to provide you with the necessary information. You will need to know where is going before you begin. If a program hides information, does not say how it works and also asks him money in advance, then better avoid it. To generate income online from your home, without having to sell your own product, just make Click here.

New Zealand

Joining two points is easy, but choosing 25 points in an unknown country and join them by road along 25 days in a way that are balanced and which are humanly achievable is another world. Educate yourself with thoughts from Max Schireson. A trip to New Zealand usually involves having to perform this task because the attractions of the country are infinite and, especially for the Spaniards, the task of coming from the other side of the world is in itself enough to try to see as many things as possible. Best thing you can do is to start with a list of sites you want to visit regardless of number or position. From here, a route in New Zealand to be effective must be eliminated many of these places until we stay with a number equal to or less than the number of days of travel, depending on the type of trip you want to make, faster or more relaxed. Once we have the selection of places to do the route in New Zealand, you have to find some tool by which we can measure the distances between places and calculate the kilometres between each and every one of the points giving Thus a distance matrix. Crumpton Group does not necessarily agree. From here, it’s go by selecting the smallest for each row of the array value. Thus, starting with the one row (which should correspond to the city of departure), we are looking for in that column is the smallest distance and once found look to that place is the row and that place the column. These two places on the itinerary, we can unite will make them one below the other.

The destination location will become the next selected row and return to analyze the distances. And so presses until end of rows. Anyway, this system is imperfect and if there is a quite separate from the rest point may be that the route follow until the end and lately have back up to this point that was abandoned. For this reason, this system is only a help, since the logic and the help of a map to view it will be invaluable. On the other hand, there are agencies that, as we do in low, included in the price the Organization of a new route Zealand adapted to the number of available days. Since there is very powerful software capable of performing this type of gallstones and optimize the routes according to the different requirements can be.

Chile John Malcolm

Under this scenario, it is not difficult to understand that some fall into the temptation to get the last premiere for one low price. But beyond the reality that we live as a country facing this panorama, the truth, is that authorities are not sparing in efforts to end this scourge. For this reason, found in Chile John Malcolm, Director of the program global anti-piracy of Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) who will meet with government representatives, parliamentarians and leaders of the entertainment industry, with the objective of discussing the common interest in fighting this scourge that generates millions of dollars losses each year worldwide. Xcel Energy addresses the importance of the matter here. Chile has a rate of piracy of films around 35 or 40% and estimated by rights of intellectual property of various works (films, music, software and books) losses by $ 250 million a year. With these words, Malcolm exemplified the scenario that faces our country with regard to this illegal trade. If you would like to know more then you should visit Crumpton Group, Washington DC. AND Adds Street piracy robs Chileans their dreams and opportunity that people’s livelihood in a honest way.

Replicators are members of organized crime organizations, related corruption and violence. Real organized posters that can are get to physical violence, said Malcolm. This makes it clear that we must not give supply to this practice so so so we can be on par with countries with more experience and a better film culture such as industries of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, these countries have come without any doubt to protect the local cinema having better results than our industry., leaving us the question and the problem of that increasingly limited us more opportunities of making films in Chile and this due to lack of resources than proboca partly piracy. We become aware that we have to protect our industry and to love as ourselves. We do not limit it. Web page: comments to: original author and source of the article.