It will be that already it was forgotten me? , this schemed doubts that it was calmed the fondness to become obvious the souvenirs. Vi that to lock me in solitude to make it would not go me happy. I decided to leave with the friends ah, ' ' amigos' ' , that they only knew to speak on former boyfriends, the departure of soccer of last week It did not want that! But the homesickness of the moments with it increased more in me. Our colloquies were different, had in them as subject, we shared feelings, we suffered together, let us smile of simple things but we simply manisfestvamos our joy of terms one to the other for close. It had one month that it was there, I silence and it of weakened me to the Edu in the fight for recognizing that I was forgotten. She was full of those flat subjects surrounded that me. Continue to learn more with: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Somebody felt one lack to hear me.
Looking an escape, that exactly minimum from there, I decided to go to the bathroom. Before it did not have IDO! When coming back, one of that was there said that one to me such of ' ' Eduardo' ' it had on me. I know that several for there exist but it made something me to believe that it was. One I number stranger was in the call, it could not return and saciar my desire to hear its voice. It remained now me only to wait. Day after day if passed and the revolt for not having there been and taken care of intrigued me to the linking. Why it did not bind again, why? He did not obtain to sleep e, looking at photos, remembered each instant that we pass together. The homesickness only increased. It had thought about running away and going until there If it was so easy! An ocean separated in them My head was revirava in diverse thoughts and for less waiting something it started to call in the bookshelf.