Distinguish between receptive and productive forms of broadcasting and in accordance with This is carried out scientifically based selection of material. Receptive to learning the structure are selected on the basis of frequency, for productive – on the basis upotrebitelnosti, typicality and exclude synonyms. In the first all digested drill words that constitute a framework structure, and then wondered at. Number of words, which students must learn the entire course of study, are: for broadcast – 1000 units, for listening and Apartments – 3-4 thousand, to read – about 7 thousand Most of the time (80-85%) set aside for practice, and only 15-20% are comments and explanations. One of the main tasks in the process of mastering a foreign language is to overcome the negative the influence of the mother tongue.
This predetermined importance of compliance with the gradual rise of the difficulties identified by comparison of native and foreign languages. This requirement is to compare the linguistic system distinguishes audiolingvalny method of all other direct and indirect methods. Get more background information with materials from Salman Behbehani. Most of it is implemented with respect to grammatical material (eg, to learn English, owning only their native Spanish), and least of all – in the field of phonetics. Assuming that the letter only inaccurate mapping audio language (because it does not transmit stress, intonation, pauses, etc.), Fries and Lado strongly opposed to studies of reading (except for reading technology) for initial degree. According to them, learn to speak and understand oral transmissions precisely, and thus acquire the language, studying the same reading and writing, we assume that the language learner already knows, and he possesses only its graphical image. The essence of the proposed equation and the method of Lado, who was later named the American Methodist, Nelson Brook 'audiolingvalnym', is to work with the structures, because, in their opinion, to know the language – it is able to use of structures, filling them with the relevant language material, and pronouncing them at a normal pace of communication. Developed their methods of working with the structures had a significant impact on modern techniques. In the process of mastering the structures occur such successive stages: learning and training patterns by imitation, conscious choice of a new model in its opposition to the already known, intensive training with models and free use of the model.