Souza, Lopes and Barbosa (2004) stand out that to carry through the VD to many easinesses, as: effective communication and interaction between the professional, the unit of health and the population; approach with the families, whom a more solid knowledge of the conditions of health of the community allows, of the prevalence of the illnesses, practical the popular ones, of the popular knowledge on the illnesses, allowing the resolution of many problems, what it promotes the descongestionamento of the units of health; narrow contact between the professional and the population is of the unit that makes possible an exchange to know between the professional and the families; reflection next to the families on determinative of the process the health illness. However, in accordance with Souza, Lopes and Barbosa (2004) also exist certain degree of difficulties as: house work and working hours of the families can disable or make it difficult the accomplishment of the Domiciliary Visit; expense of time, between the locomotion and execution of the visit; availability lack or the absence of entailed people to the set appointments families to be visited. For in such a way, she is necessary knowing to hear, so that if it can especially establish reliable linking between professional and customer, therefore this practical is developed in the familiar domiciliary space, therefore, the visit it allows to know the reality, to change information of the familiar ones and thus to promote the construction of project of intervention next to the families (DRULLA et al., 2009). However, to carry through an assistance to the health with quality it is necessary to understand each individual as an only, pertaining being to a social and familiar context that favors different forms of living to adoecer. Click Salman Behbehani to learn more. Second, Matias and Pereira (2010) even so the visits are not a new strategy in the scope of the Brazilian public health, currently, they have ampler purposes and if they had become sufficiently complex, therefore before it turned itself toward the care of the sick person and to the factors related with its illness, without concern with the family while social group.