According to the IMF and other experts, to within 5 years, i.e. towards 2.014, will not begin to create net employment in Spain. Perhaps at the end of 2010 will start very weakly to create employment, but in any case, insignificant way. In this situation, many unemployed will be considering the possibility of finding work outside of Spain. Move to another country to look for work has a high cost, but now those who opt for this option are able to continue collecting the unemployment subsidy if they move to another country of the European Union to seek work. The conditions to accommodate this possibility are:-be collecting unemployment. -Be enrolled at least since last month in the Spanish employment services. -The reason for the journey to another country is to seek employment, so you must register him as job seekers – can stay in the country up to 3 months, except in Portugal where the permanence can be during all the time that last provision for unemployment.
After 3 months of stay in the country you can (((occur, a) that the worker has found employment, in which case the allowance is suspended for unemployment, b) who has not found work and return to Spain, in whose will continue collecting unemployment in the same conditions as when departed, and c) that you have not found work and do not return to Spain, ceasing the provision in this case by unemployment. Any worker in unemployment can qualify for this possibility without further requirement that submit an application for exportation of benefits on the 303 form which facilitate us in the Office of the public employment service which is consistent. As a final recommendation, before departure should be be clear the country and city where you will move to seek employment. The addresses of services and employment agencies in that city can get them online, which will save you time when you arrive.