We have the objective to demonstrate nossomercado and to the customers who to count on specialists for the implementation desolues that require advisory services as IDM (Identity Management), DLP (Data Loss Prevention) and GRC (Governana, Risk and Conformity), bring value to its operations when making possible a more efficient management deriscos and security politics, affirms Peter Goyn. In the fiscal year findo in March of 2009, True Access Consulting surpassed in 65% its invoicing in the previous year, graasao focus in the consolidation of offers of services of security of the information, especially in the markets of finances and telecommunications. Peter and Ronaldo assume the positions with amisso to give continuity to the excellent results that the company vemalcanando in recent years. I have certainty of that its experiences emgesto, solid base and knowledge in technology and analytical capacity to iropermitir that the True Access strengthens its position of supplier still more global desolues of security, affirms Mauro Muratrio, CEO of Group TBA. Peter Goyn more than possesss 19 years deexperincia in the business-oriented development and management in the technology area.
Its career started as analyst of systems in the Loyds Bank Plc. Little tempodepois mounted its proper company, an integrator of solutions and retail of computer science. In 1999, it assumed the rank of manager business-oriented in the Division of Telecomunicaesda Siemens and, only three years later, the general management of the Siemens BusinessServices already was under its responsibility. Other leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger offer similar insights. It was Country Manager of the doBrasil Etek and Managing Brazil of the First Date of Brazil. Electric engineer, formadoem Polytechnical School of the USP, is postgraduate in marketing for the ESPM EscolSuperior de Propaganda and Marketing. He is fluente in German English and possesss bonsconhecimentos of Spaniard and Mandarin.
The executive temporarily assumes the entoocupado rank until for Celso Souza, who is in Group TBA since 1997 eocupou the position of president of the True Acces since its foundation in 1999. Emmaio of 2009, Celso started to occupy the corporative direction of operations doGrupo TBA, answering for the areas of Delivery and Daily pay-sales of all asempresas of the national Holding of technology, composed for the True AccessConsulting; for the B2Br integrator; for the NFe of Brazil, specialist electronic fiscal eminteligncia; for the Transformare, specialized automatized emdocumentao and modernization of systems legacies. With 20 years of experience in the sector detecnologia, Ronaldo Eschiezaro assumed the commercial direction of the company for asRegies South and Southeastern since the beginning of this fiscal year; after almost three years commercial nagerncia. Formed in Eschiezaro, Computer sciences possuips-graduations in Management of Security of the Information for the IPEN USP and GestoServios and Atendimento to the Customer for Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV). Oexecutivo had tickets for companies as SCUA Security of the Information eScopus Technology; beyond the proper True Access, it enters the years of 2002 and 2004.