Esterides anablicos could act in receivers of glicocorticides, as antagonistic. This has been demonstrated with some esterides synthetic as metiltrienolona and trembolona. Thus being, esterides anablicos could act simultaneously for two ways: * inducing anablico effect in proteins with mediation of andrognicos receivers; * inhibiting the proteinic catabolismo for interaction with receivers glicocorticides. The interaction between andrgenos and glicocorticides could occur to the level of the gene, explaining the inhibition process-dependent of the hormone glicocorticide for the andrgeno and vice versa. The element-reply glicocorticide (GRE) is not specific and can mediate induction for other hormones esterides, as the andrgenos (HICKSON, 1990).
Some authors suggest that the testosterone could stimulate the muscular growth through the stimulaton of the somatomedina (FLORINI, 1995), since the testosterone aumentoi the corporeal weight of rats and the administration of the growth hormone (GH) did not restore the reply anablica of the testosterone. Therefore, they had concluded that the andrgeno would participate in the growth during the adolescence for increasing the effect of the somotomedina and/or harnessing production of somatomedina for the GH. HOUGH (1993) related that esterides anablicos the 60 times stimulate the secretion of GH in 5 the basal value. One another possibility still for the action esterides would be a possible trfica action in the muscular junction neuro (WADLER, 1994). Increases of the actina and miosina in the muscle can be influenced by esterides anablicos, what it results in increase of the muscular force (BARTSCH, 1993). 2.3.2? The anablicos effect of esterides the anablicos effect of esterides are sharper in the feminine sex, boys, castrated men or with deficinciade andrgenos natural (HOUGH, 1993). The normal adult man would approximately have a reply to esterides anablicos half of the reply of the hipogondico man (LAMB, 1990), on the other hand the castration increases the number of andrognicos receivers and its affinity of linking (WILSON, 1993).