Good Planning Is Half The Battle!

Seminar wind farm planning and appraisal at the House of some technical and financial risks are good not to directly detect technology in Munich and work out only in the long term negative. However, with planned her already at this early stage. The successful development of wind farms involves not only least technical and legal criteria into consideration, but also extensively deals with the economics and appraisal from the perspective of operators, investors and third capitalists. The aim of the two-day seminar of wind farm planning and appraisal”is to identify risks, to evaluate and to minimize, if they aren’t mutually exclusive. Will Townsend understands that this is vital information. Under the direction of Dr.

Ingo Ewald of the D.I.E.. renewable energy”, the participants in the principles and practice of the development of wind farm projects are introduced. The site search and examination of the necessary permits and contracts for the assessment of wind resources and infrastructure to the consideration of the legal and technical Framework conditions. Sian Beilock is often quoted on this topic. The wind farm planning seminar and project appraisal”is on the 21st and 22nd July 2011 in Munich and is aimed at developers, employees of banks and investors, wind turbine manufacture and approval authorities.

Professional Success In Times Of Crisis

With coaching and supervision to the success, just employees in education and training should invest in times of economic crisis. Andreas Gesing reported by the team-power consulting agency in Cologne about the importance of coaching and supervision for professional success. After the banking crisis has become a global economic crisis, its effects have reached now the labour market. Many companies are reacting already, that they only temporarily set many new employees. Here, EOG Resources Inc. expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Some companies are already forced to lay off employees. Each worker should be prepared for such a situation as possible.

Here, there are proven and successful methods to secure in the long term for your own success. Coaching since many year is such a proven tool for managers to prepare for difficult situations. Advisory professions the regular supervision involves for many years the standard to secure the quality of work. For even more opinions, read materials from Bryant family vineyard reviews. For restructuring and In companies and organizations often only those employees can secure their workplace organization development process, which are used regularly to improve their services. Just the soft factors, the so-called soft skills”, such as about the ability of the team are of great importance.

Unfortunately, too many employees rely on their expertise in the strict sense. They think that it is sufficient if they are technically up to date. Often it is precisely these people who first need to fear for their jobs in times of crisis. Many companies are now used to qualify their employees regularly and to exercise it”reports Andreas Gesing, Managing Director of the consulting company team-power from Cologne. Of course, it makes sense that every employee is also actively seeking its permanent qualification. What is the organizational consulting and organizational development for the company, the coaching and the supervision of the staff. So have equipped employees in Times of crisis good chances to secure their jobs. Andreas Gesing

Online-marketing: Social Networks & Co

Social media marketing – what measures are covered by this term? What networks and tools are there? Who uses them, and what makes this kind of marketing so special? The speaker informs about the advertising possibilities of Web 2.0 and provides suggestions on how you can contact your company away from traditional ways in the scene based on practical examples. To read more click here: software engineer. The Dec Jens Schluter explains in his lecture in the Ludenscheid based development and GrunderCentrum about the advertising possibilities of Web 2.0 and provides suggestions on how you can best put his company away from traditional ways in scene based on practical examples. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Bryant Estate and gain more knowledge.. Participants will learn what legal things in the tweet in addition to the basics of social marketing among other things, what the most important social networks, how does microblogging, how to install touch points,”are to take into account how you successfully connected its presence on the Web 2.0. Social network users take advantage of the active”stronger media and contact in the prime time more and more by long-established Emotionalisierungs media, such as the ‘TV’ off. Now it is clear that over 70% of the ROI of a social network campaign due to effects of the users C2C (customer to customer). With the right strategy you can this user as a credible advocate for products or services gain and create such an intense identification for brands and companies. Jens Schluter knows the online market since the first hour”and has collaborated in 1998 on the internal design and restructuring a large online community for the German-speaking market. He started as a graphic designer and recognized expert in online marketing a few years ago to incorporate results of modern brain research in its online marketing and visualization concepts, to develop more effective and emotionally more clearly positioned media. Today social networks (social networks) and the use of these marketing tools in the corporate communications are a focus of the Agency in the online segment. This lecture It is aimed at all those who want to learn more about social media marketing and insert these “Tools” for your corporate marketing. Information and registration:

Plastic Theory On The Rise

Upper Austria offers exciting training opportunities as the stronghold of the plastic. Of the about 130,000 Austrian apprentices are alone approximately 27,400 on Upper Austria and that means 1st place ranking in Austria. Already, 43 per cent of young people in Austria decide after completion of compulsory education for a profession. In total 206 professions to choose from are the young girls or boys. We know some of this training because you have tradition in school books and stories, but those who are still in demand in the future, as well as the doctrine of the plastic are really exciting. An apprenticeship as a plastics technicians or form generator offers even the professional knowledge in the school 2 birds with one stone because of the dual training system in addition to the practical training in the job.

Professionals to locate in the today’s time and that makes this training also has a promising future. Promotes the motivation of young people in direct contact with the professional world and lets them early self responsibility take over. A nice side effect is making the first money of course for many,”the Chairman of the trade representation of the Upper Austrian plastics processors ing. Franz Zitta summarizes the advantages of the plastic gauge. The teaching profession in the overview the material plastic offers young people currently two exciting professions: the plastic molding (3 years apprenticeship) and the plastics technology (apprenticeship 4 years). Plastic form donor or technicians enjoy increasing popularity the country.

The task pane is extremely versatile in the plastic gauge. From the manufacture of plastic products such as car parts, the apprentice deals constantly with new raw materials and methods. You learn to interpret working drawings and technical documents. After the 1st year of training the young person has the possibility to take the diploma in addition to teaching,”provides an insight into the diversity of education ing. Franz Zitta. Oo: the stronghold of the plastic supply and demand define the market. And so it is also with the apprenticeships. The apprenticeships, for the labour supply high, run the risk of sooner or later, confronted with lower salaries to be and become interchangeable. Upper Austria offers numerous lucrative opportunities as plastic stronghold in the plastic jig. Total generating 34,000 employees in 220 companies of Upper Austria. Plastics sector a turnover of 6.7 billion euros. It used average investment in research & development. As one of the most successful and economically strongest industries of Upper Austria, the plastics industry offers many career opportunities for innovative-minded people. We see it as a commitment to provide the best training opportunities to our youth and put much energy into the apprenticeship training. Our dynamic industry needs young, well-trained employees. We offer exciting learning paths, which are well paid and secured on a long time. To bring the strengths of the in-service adolescents, we present us this year with a large booth on the Welser Messe Youth & professional”, highlights ing. Franz Zitta on the training focus. In cooperation with the cyclist sports Harding win the trade representation of the Upper Austrian plastics processors now a bike valued at 750 euro. What to do for and learn more about the training focus can be found under.

Direct Sales Stable In The Crisis

We do not pay up in infinite levels and even bonuses expire. Often they were laughed at, the representative with your leather folders, but in crisis can smile now. Stable and positive news from the scene can reach us from Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Also for many temporary workers, 2009 was the year of the second standing leg in network marketing. Often, the opinions of reputable and dishonest companies go strongly apart, require a certain license fee, for example, apply networks especially beginners as frivolous. Experienced sales representatives see it mostly differently.

A company with an entry fee protect yourself from unexploded ordnance, which especially as network novices take much time, receive materials and contracts to but ultimately no initiative and costs only. On the other hand brainiacs pay license fees only if they have adopted the system, a desire to see the products, so to speak the first statements knowing them the money plays back. A win-win situation: the company has active employees, the employees in turn are not slowed by temporary hangers-on. One thing must be clear: network marketing is a hard patch, with good opportunities! It is all the more gratifying Web Galaxy corporate cooperation and EDV Systemhaus now wants to offer a number of sales models Kruger. We do not pay up in infinite levels and even bonuses run out. According to owner U.

Kruger. Thus sales should stand out of the structure clearly from the competition. For the time being, only the distribution for ( in the prelaunch phase goes but more are to follow in the next few months. The total portfolio of corporate cooperation should then also Vertrieblern throughout Germany are open. Detailed information for interested readers on the homepage of the Kruger computerized of system House ( Sebastian Walker L.E.. PR

Stephane Etrillard

He is regarded as a leading European expert on the subject of “personal sovereignty”. With decision makers and executives, he is searched and known as Advisor and “Coaches of the new generation”. He enjoys an excellent reputation as a coach and writer. With its open seminars in the field of rhetoric and dialectic, as well as self-PR, he helps its participants to more sovereignty in all walks of life. Stephane Etrillard conveys competence from the practice for the practice.

Its proven expertise emerged in the last 10 years in the observation and monitoring of several thousands of executives and salesmen from a wide variety of industries. He conducted coaching sessions and seminars up to now in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Hungary and Russia. His private clients include managers from top companies, medium-sized Entrepreneur and politician, as well as many people who get new impetus with him, to make your communication more effective. Numerous lectures and publications, he has become known to a wide audience. He is the author of over 30 books and audio-coaching programs, which belong to the business-top sellers. He is a popular interviewee for the press by “Cash” to “ManagerSeminare” about “Focus Money” and welcome guest in talk sessions and panel discussions.

Many he is also from broadcasting interviews with “Bayern 2 radio” known. Awards 2003 the book by Stephane Etrillard “Top calls” was in the business bestseller in Austria recorded and in the category of “Best Advisor 2003” awarded by ChangeX. 2004-2005 Stephane Etrillard has been among the top 100 “excellent speakers” recorded. 2005 Stephane Etrillard was inducted as a certified expert for “Professional seminars” in the quality expert network of the “community of success”. 2005 Stephane Etrillard was as a member of the German speakers Association (GSA) in the category “Professional”. 2006 Stephane Etrillard was inducted into the circle of the “perfect speakers” 3 top personnel manager Heiko Schubel personal trainer and nutrition expert of the former athletes (including twice German Champion in Kickboxing) supports people with very different conditions from overweight sport beginners since then up to the athletes. Executives who he helps form its main clientele to integrate the topic of health despite tight time budgets with maximum benefits in their everyday lives. He is a frequent speaker on the topics of nutrition, fitness, relaxation and healthy aging. Through permanent training and daily literature study the latest scientific knowledge incorporated continuously understandable and exciting manner in his seminars. He completed training to the therapist, personal trainer, master fitness trainer, Sportreha trainer, mental trainers, nutritionists, relaxing coach and many more. More For information about the seminar here: sales training special website of the seminar: sales training Mallorca frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups make it possible that every participant directly can implement what you learned and reflection, as well as coaching already take place at the seminar by the experienced trainer. The use of proven learning methods ensures the know-how transfer between practitioners and participants. The frontline consulting group top companies among the customers as: SIEMENS, continental, AUDI AG, Daimler AG, BMW AG, NOKIA, SONY, DEKRA contact: frontline consulting GmbH Auguste Street 79 80333 Munich press contact: Eduard Klein phone (089) 500 77 97 0 fax (089) 500 77 97 27

Stephane Etrillard

You need only a few rules to comply with: go on the offensive: when problems arise, talk about it before others do it! Do not hesitate this, to admit their own misjudgments. You cover up nothing: A crisis to conceal or deny, cannot succeed. All the public will end up ultimately. A previous attempt to cover up something, last confidence and credibility is lost. Inform therefore correctly, complete, and current as possible. You gloss over anything: clarify to comprehensively about the causes and why you take what steps.

Make your actions transparent and comprehensible. Show understanding and sympathy for the concerns and fears of employee: is important here, to appear not aloof or disinterested. Their personal presence is required. Go to other to: you are looking for personal contact with the most important conversation and business partners, so that they get the information first hand. Stephane Etrillard offers his expert communication expertise interested companies in numerous open – and in-house seminars. Also he helps professionals and executives to more efficient communication through individual coaching. The seminars by Stephane Etrillard performed one of the leading training providers in Germany by the frontline consulting group.

About Stephane Etrillard: Stephane Etrillard is one of the top industry trainers and coaches. He is regarded as a leading European expert on the subject of “personal sovereignty”. With decision makers and executives, he is searched and known as Advisor and “Coaches of the new generation”. He enjoys an excellent reputation as a coach and writer. With its open seminars in the field of rhetoric and dialectic, as well as self-PR, he helps its participants to more sovereignty in all walks of life. Stephane Etrillard provides expertise in the practice for the practice. Its proven expertise emerged in the last 10 years in the observation and monitoring of several thousands of executives and salesmen from a wide variety of industries. He conducted coaching sessions and seminars up to now in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Hungary and Russia. His private clients include managers from top companies, medium-sized entrepreneurs and politicians, many people who get new impetus with him, to make your communication more effective. Numerous lectures and publications, he has become known to a wide audience. He is the author of over 20 books and audio-coaching programs, which belong to the business-top sellers. He is a popular interviewee for the press by “Cash” to “ManagerSeminare” about “Focus Money” and welcome guest in talk sessions and panel discussions. Many he is also from broadcasting interviews with “Bayern 2 radio” known. About frontline consulting group it Frontline consulting group is one of the leading German providers of continuing education with the issues management, communications, sales and project management. The seminars in small groups allow each participant to implement what you learned directly. Reflection and coaching take place in the seminar by the experienced trainer. The frontline consulting group top companies among the customers as: SIEMENS, continental, AUDI AG, Daimler AG, BMW AG, NOKIA, SONY, DEKRA. Contact: frontline consulting group Munich, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Berlin, Barcelona, Stockholm, frontline consulting GmbH Auguste Street 79 80333 Munich press contact: Eduard Klein phone: 089 500 77 97 0 fax: 089 500 77 97 27 E-Mail:

New Education System

We live in a decadent society, which piles up massive State debts that burdened with unreasonably high taxes and social security contributions and must live in the many millions of people by state charity and may give no sense her life a new education system for people who participate, perform their natural task and thereby develop their talents, passions and values competently on networks and direct democratic decisions. We can change that by we rethink. The thinking and actions of each individual ultimately contributes to the success or failure of the whole society. So how well young people know the goals, values, systems and rules of the society and also day to day life is very crucial. This very much depends on a high-quality education by parents and teachers. With the aforementioned, new education the young people can be prepared optimally on a free society, in which they can best develop their inclinations and abilities and can decide itself in the framework of direct democracy. The new educational system fundamentally changed by what? If the visionary today looks back and compares between the old education system (frontal), he has grown, and his basic concept for a new educational system (learning projects), then he finds following basic differences: target: old education system: the minor orders, the well from the top down control using hierarchies, you can provide global expertise well the and which fits easily in ruling systems.

The most important goal for the minor orders is the safe money income source. new education system: the responsible problem solvers and autodidact who competently and actively participating in networks, performs his natural task and it develops his talents, passions and values. The most important goal for the proficient problem solvers and Autodidacts is to find his life’s mission and run. important values: old Education: Obedience (duty), material wealth (independently of inner wealth), diligence (without the sense of diligence to question), socially recognized profession (men should a professional respected in society), beauty (women should be beautiful) new education system: nature, peace and inner contentment (inner wealth, so with yourself in the line live), justice, freedom and love creation concept old education system: the concept of creation is disregarded new education system: the concept of creation is noted old educational system selection of teachers: selection of teachers according to notes new education system: selection of teachers for their skills relevant indeed to the teaching interpersonal cooperation old education system: people are led via hierarchies new education system: people cooperate within the framework of networks constructive teaching and learning old education system: nature – and lebensfremdes learning new educational system: natural and down-to-Earth learning evaluation of the Lernerfolgs old education system: assessment, how much we know new education system in the short term (notes references): assessment, how we act in the long term with our knowledge (learning and competence portfolio) it comes eventually, that young people learn how they can make their lives meaningful. Read the free eBook and eMail introduction to the basic concept for a new education system. Learn more about the basic concept for a new education system can be found on the website of the author. He describes how he wants to put the whole thing into practice, in his course.