Logically this should be the page where conduct subtly to our sailors, unless they are given you have, because it will leave us on the look that you want them to sell should lead you through internal links to this page that should contain a powerful header of our product’s benefits and make the sale FAQ (questions and answers). The majority of questions asked by customers are repetitive, so it is interesting to create a page with questions and answers, esa’s most way we avoid answering one and again to the same questions Pago.htm is highly recommended to create a page in which the buyer can see different alternatives to buy a product(,(No todo el mundo tiene tarjeta), must provide to the client that can send us money by bank transfer, PayPal, Moneygram.) explain you how you must pay and how we will make delivery hotspot.We should have a page the more entertaining possible for sailors, it is very important that you say, leave impressions comments, with which we increase the warmth that so much is missing in Internet can get with a forum, a chat, or by messenger, by which can create a forum and do link it on your page bulletin UNA DE LAS P?PAGES more important, is to create a newsletter and that you leave your details, annotated and the most important, your email, remember that with the list of customers is the most precious we have, since we can perform our campaigns and if they are interested they will buy us products, and if they don’t, then maybe interested in another product servicios.htm if we have other products or services to offer, it is vital to be able to make a small relationship so that customer can lie about what we can offer you; this will depend on the type of company that we or the twofold to sell map htm. On this page we will have related all pages of our site, offering a link so that the Navigator can comfortably access any of them.. For even more details, read what Michael Steinhardt says on the issue.