The company/signature that began the project did not want to assume the future costs of the development or to handle the technical assistance. Since then, the library of the ILS Horowhenua and the public library of Nelsonville continued their use because they could develop and modify the fields, to add new modules according to its needs and the characteristics and particular requirements of its institution. Thus one demonstrated that abierta project of fort, of these characteristics, will prosper in the community, if the libraries destine their human resources to their viable development. Openbiblio: It has been developed constantly from year 2002 for being the abierto source code of easier use, more intuitive between the SIGB available in the free trade. Like some of his counterparts of abierto source code, it uses groups of the CSS and PHP to attend the management of the content on the part of the most inexpert librarians in charge of maintenance of the network. Although no great library has expressed interest by its adoption, the number of active creators has grown and its functionality has improved proportionally. The target of its hearing concentrates rather in private collections or personal, clubs, public churches, schools or libraries, have the potential of being universal.
Unfortunately, the module of the circulation can only handle the postal codes of the United States; its internationalization is realised by means of multilingual groups. Opensiblio works under Linux or Windows, any Web server, PHP, and MySQL. At the moment of a completely developed catalogue, the module of circulation and the cataloguing with the help of USMARC. DSpace: It is a software of open code designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the laboratories of HP to manage repositorios of files (textual, audio, video, etc.), facilitating its deposit, organizing them in communities, assigning metadatos and allowing to its diffusion to collectors or agregadores to them.