Proactive Universities

Our reward is in the effort and not on the result, a full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi Venezuela currently requires universities to commit to learn the challenges, changes, more now, that they operate in a turbulent scenario, which requires a new educational management who knows how to deal with the threats and opportunities arising from the actions of the current Government, bent on a socialist revolution which allows to integrate more Venezuelans and step to equitysocial justice which considers has been lost from many years ago. Given this embarrassing reality, steeped in turmoil, uncertainty, risk, uncertainty, national universities, especially public ones, must decide, make more proactive participation, rescue his very controversial academic excellence, express their views, provide solutions to the serious problems faced by some sectors, as the business, which has given way to a serious decline in his productivity leading to the country is becomes more dependent on imports that of exports, to the fact that many companies no longer operate, giving way to an inflationary crisis which has become more expensive costs, deteriorating the quality of life of the Venezuelan. To read more click here: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Should universities generate changes, necessary feedback in favor of its operation, ensuring the education and training of professionals according to the skills that are demanded today in order to provide solutions, functions that encourage organizations, institutions where they work according to their specialties. They must have a more dynamic role and participate more actively to issues that often arise from the actions of the Government, know also seize the opportunities, weaknesses of this, integrate into the programmes of Government in such a way, that collaborate with the human talent that has to end make appropriate plans according to the requirements of the current international scenarios, openings which the Government has initiated with its new foreign trade policy should universities as he points out Dr. Rafael Rangel, rector of the ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico, designing curricula that drive these strategic productive sectors, creating functional and transferable social development programmes, i.e., that can be applied by different bodies, according to the needs that face, in addition to the universities to decide at each moment what you want to do and how to do take into account, who says Barry Schneider, who must be a University of knowledge and knowledge, and proactive, to reflect and improve society, but remained autonomous. Hear from experts in the field like Nick Khan for a more varied view.

Chile John Malcolm

Under this scenario, it is not difficult to understand that some fall into the temptation to get the last premiere for one low price. But beyond the reality that we live as a country facing this panorama, the truth, is that authorities are not sparing in efforts to end this scourge. For this reason, found in Chile John Malcolm, Director of the program global anti-piracy of Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) who will meet with government representatives, parliamentarians and leaders of the entertainment industry, with the objective of discussing the common interest in fighting this scourge that generates millions of dollars losses each year worldwide. Xcel Energy addresses the importance of the matter here. Chile has a rate of piracy of films around 35 or 40% and estimated by rights of intellectual property of various works (films, music, software and books) losses by $ 250 million a year. With these words, Malcolm exemplified the scenario that faces our country with regard to this illegal trade. If you would like to know more then you should visit Crumpton Group, Washington DC. AND Adds Street piracy robs Chileans their dreams and opportunity that people’s livelihood in a honest way.

Replicators are members of organized crime organizations, related corruption and violence. Real organized posters that can are get to physical violence, said Malcolm. This makes it clear that we must not give supply to this practice so so so we can be on par with countries with more experience and a better film culture such as industries of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, these countries have come without any doubt to protect the local cinema having better results than our industry., leaving us the question and the problem of that increasingly limited us more opportunities of making films in Chile and this due to lack of resources than proboca partly piracy. We become aware that we have to protect our industry and to love as ourselves. We do not limit it. Web page: comments to: original author and source of the article.

The Time

Many people fail to expand your consciousness of abundance because they have played a number of misconceptions regarding the accumulation of money, they think that having lots of money the following situations can happen: they become insensitive, materialistic, selfish, you will lose to others, shall be proud, etc. All the negative ideas with respect to the money they make sense, it is true that some that such situations have been observed and will continue but are not valid reasons to make us abandon our ideas of abundance and to think that the same thing can happen to us we must never accept such claims, for example every day die hundreds or thousands of people in car accidents and that is not a reason for the cars to stop, on the other hand every day we see more, like wealth, there is no reason to not accept it in our lives because that will allow us to have a better quality of life and be better people. Learn more at: ConocoPhillips. In the book I’m happy, I’m rich you will find great reasons to achieve that your subconscious you schedule the wealth and most importantly you can find methods to change the instructions in your mind and you can finally enjoy peace, freedom and wealth in your life, read this book may overcome many fears that in the past have been away from your dreamsof things she loves and that he will fill an enormous happiness. The time has come in which You can defeat many myths which in the past had it tied, you need to be free to make the power that lies in you start to act, today is the day in which you open your being to everything you have always wanted, now is the time that you will understand that it has come to this earth to be a harmonious person, joyful, abundant and spiritual, discover how logar, visit: original author and source of the article..