Also it concentrates the biggest number of focos of heat in the region great extensions of abandoned areas there, corresponding about 15% of the total. This area was of great expansion of the border, where if it succeeded durantes decades, therefore in it developed new spaces reproduction of the cycle of expansion of the cattle one, expansion of the wood, deforestation, forest fire, this great arc town passed to be called ' ' Arc of fogo' ' , or ' ' of desmatamento' ' or ' ' of Degradas' Lands; '. Still today it is in this area the contact with the forest fires. (A valuable related resource: Ernie Barbarash). But what one intends to study here it is that this area is not plus an area of occupation and yes of consolidated povoamento, with significant potential of development, either for the intensification of the povoamento and the productive activities, either for the recovery of the areas modified and/or abandoned (Becker, 199, 2001c; Becker ET AL, the 2003) entrance of agriculture in the region represented a great change, therefore the agriculture capitalized in the Amaznia was great new features historical of the use of lands in the Amaznia in a region whose the economy turned around the mineral extrativista activity, vegetal and fishing boat. They are accumulated you evidence of important changes in the structure and performance of the farming sector of this region, that much brings of technological innovations that affect the environment? for it saw of the deforestation, erosion and hdrica pollution, etc. As well as fall again on the generation of job and income and the conditions of life. The interests that initially were public for the investments in this region currently had passed to the capital generated in the proper region, that is, the capital goes is generating the wealth in the region. Recently, with the increasing participation of interests already established in the region, that search new alternatives of investments and expansion of its productive activities, also in the interior of areas of forests currently deforested. .
Tag: geography
Cavalcanti Diversity
For the story of Cavalcanti in valuing the way in environment in the search of a sustainable future, it affirms that. … Has necessity of the existence of new institutions that conserve the natural assets and they repass our children, who stimulate the regeneration of the resources renewed and the maintenance of the biological diversity, that develops new technologies that use resources renewed and make possible life styles that save energy and prevent the intensive material expense. These institutions will assume some forms. She will be necessary to adopt new habits how much to the consumption, the education of the young and the saving for the future. (CAVALCANTI, 1999.p.83) Therefore, the conservation of the natural resources and the cultural diversity serves of handling that they aim at to the base for the elaboration of projects for these dependent communities of this vegetal covering to develop the biodiversity of policulturas of practical productive for the ambient management, in the echo certification and the qualification of sustainable origin of the production. The ACTS TO GENERATE the AMBIENT RECURPERAO OF RIVER MAMANGUAPE-PB to make the recovery of the River Mamanguape, it will be necessary to make the reforestation or ambient recovery of ciliares bushes, that can sufficiently be sped up of course. Planting native, attractive species and well characteristic of the fauna that if adjusts some pioneering species of the region looking for to adapt them by means of the conditions of the humidity of the ground, so that it can together with generate high diversity of species of sped up growth the delayed and climatic secondary species. Having the care in practising the reforestation of springs, degraded edges and areas, in diverse ways, in the quality them hdricos resources. Recouping and controlling the erosive processes and revitalizing the deterioration of the vegetation considered strategical for the ecological and sustainable development of River Mamanguape.