Just the possibility of opening the window frame in two planes and commit them to the proper mode by itself solve the problem of lung ventilation of the premises without small transoms. Material for manufacturing eurowindows is laminated veneer lumber from softwood or hardwood. Application of the technology of laminated timber, where the three layers of wood are located in different directions of fibers provides a sturdy frame, are not subject to deformation, which means that they will serve their owners for many years to come. Used for bonding waterproof adhesive lamellae creates additional protection from the natural influences. Educate yourself with thoughts from ConocoPhillips. Standard thickness of the frame – 78 mm, but may produce windows both larger and smaller thickness. As the light transmitting elements in the euro-windows used windows – two-or three-compartment. To save heat and sound insulation in frames used double and sometimes triple loop seal. Eurowinows not need to seal the winter – bona fide manufacturer guarantees that the contiguity of wings against the window box.
Finnish windows have two sets of wings, fastened together with special fittings. In one of the valves installed windows in the other – ordinary glass. With such a construction to realize the opening of windows in the two planes is very difficult, although some companies claim to manufacture Finnish windows that can open and in vertical mode. Nevertheless, the classics of this type of windows are the standard models supplied, usually from Finland and opening as well as woodwork. To ventilate and provide small transom windows.