Official Wedding In Mauritius

Mauritius – an island of volcanic origin, located in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar. Mauritius – is recognized worldwide as a luxury holiday etallon and top service. No matter what you or a hotel stopped, we will offer you spacious, comfortable accommodations, superb cuisine and excellent service. Maintenance staff of any hotel in Mauritius to fulfill all wishes of the guest, but it will go unnoticed and, incidentally, does not show the insincere Asian 'worship' to the client. Atmos Energy has similar goals. Mauritius – country visa-free for Russians, but it is also indisputable argument in favor of the choice of place for the honeymoon. Some contend that Bryant Estate shows great expertise in this. You conclude a marriage in one of romantic places on the planet and the honeymoon begins immediately beyond the threshold of City Hall, a marriage made in Mauritius, will be recognized in Russia. So, we have convinced you that decision is made and you go to Marika.

Official Wedding in Mauritius term preparation of all documents of 2-6 months (but there are exceptions and terms are reduced to 10 days). The process of preparation: For a marriage on the island of Mauritius in the first place is necessary to comply Some legal formalities in Port Louis. These formalities are issued for a day or two before the scheduled wedding day. Upon arrival at the hotel newlyweds made aware of the date and time of the trip to Port Louis. One of the the host authority budeet accompany pair. If necessary, Russian guide will accompany the pair, along with a representative.

Necessary precondition pair all the items of the marriage contract, since marriage in Mauritius should be your decision in advance. 1. Community of property 2. Separate property 3. A notarized marriage contract drawn up in accordance with the wishes of the intending spouses. If the couple chooses This paragraph should provide the original contract. In the event that either party was married previously, the registration of marriage may be made no less than 300 days after divorce or death of a husband / wife. In addition, predastavit need a medical report that buduyuschaya fiancee is not pregnant from her ex-husband. Preparatory phase: wedding coordinator meets with the couple before or after all the formalities have already defined and designed to discuss all details regarding the procedure of registration, registration numbers, a bouquet for the bride, cake, dinner, etc. After the marriage the client receives a single copy of the marriage, if the client needs a second or third copy, it pays for them separately. All certificates issued to Russian citizens must be certified by Apostille in the office of Prime Minister, and signed to the marriage was recognized in Russia. Apostille takes about 4 days, if the client leaves the hotel before, it would send the document by mail, with notification. The cost of the basic set: from 1909 euros per pair (7 days, without airfare): Registration of marriage – 439 euros (for two) Hotel room – from 210 euros per couple per night (half board), from 1470 euros per week (for two) Flight – 2000 Euro (for two, in both end) Now we ask you to choose the hotel in which want to stay and get married. And do not forget to look at the important information on the tour.

Tourism Development

Advances in technology of aviation and engineering systems, ground transportation, as well as systems of electronic data continues to be carried out throughout the 90s. The development of travel will be more rapid, direct, network a variety of routes and less costly. At the same time will improve the means of information support and booking trips. The development of trade. In the 90 years the circumstances of international trade become more liberalized, although the apparent constraints caused by the Uruguay Round of GATT. International trade remains a significant practical development in an environment where more countries actively involved in both exports and imports. Installed and is more regional agreements, such as the type of a free trade agreement in North America (NAFTA), which in turn supports tourism between countries.

Expanding international networks and tour operators. Transport infrastructure. The expected scale of tourism growth will affect the construction and entertainment required by tourists. The largest problems in this regard arise in the field of transport infrastructure (airports, road and rail networks). Moreover, the expected reconstruction of transport infrastructure in all parts of the world.

Take one example: was only two years (1994, 1995) as an active airport in Hong Kong has reached its capacity, and in 1997 opened a new airport. In the same period, Hong Kong airport congestion have reduced their potential for business activity. Without any reference to the global air transport processes and the real prospect of the difficulties lies in the fact that air travel and tourism growth would be subject to collision in many parts of the world during the 90s.