Now the Internet is a very significant place in the lives of virtually every modern man. Over the past few years the development of a worldwide network has been extremely rapid. In comparison with the past decade, there are many new services (eg catalog Runet) was more strongly speed access to the resources required and a large number of other useful projects. One of the oldest World Wide Web services are directory sites. Using them can be quickly and accurately find the desired resource to you. Sites in the directory are divided into groups on any given criteria (for example, alphabetically or by date of placement and so on). In addition, all references to sites dispersed across topics (eg, free computer games). Depending on latitude created to share the general and specialized directories.
In general, experts are divided several types of folders: private directories, white, gray and black. Most directories are open. Consequently, each user can freely add your resource directory. Hence, adding their own resources, you may be interested in additional visitors. The most common directories are references dating site and education. Latter are very popular among students.
Those resources to performance (Coursework, laboratory, writings, and so on). With the help of dating and socializing, you can quickly find their old classmates and relatives wherever they live. In addition, the directories are divided into moderate and unmoderated. At first, the moderator should keep track of the theme and quality to be placed in a directory of sites, and may refuse to place, guided by any criteria catalog. In the unmoderated catalogs anyone without any checks put a link to your website. Before registration in catalogs was of great importance. At the present time, it makes sense to register only target highly specific and well-known catalogs. Accommodation options in this Plan catalogs can lead to unwanted consequences. With the help of catalogs can be very quickly find a needed and useful resource. And with the available themes (eg, freelance) is very simple to navigate to the directory. In Currently, the global web of many different types of directories on all topics.