It would have been, this threat, only one public stage? Malcomparando, Ustra is bode expiatrio of the government of the military, assimcomo Jose Robert Arruda, governor of the DF, currently imprisoned in the PolciFederal, is bode expiatrio of the impostures of the politicians, for quetodos they forget the mensalo petista, the gratuity them R$ 10 milhesconcedidos by the PT to the party of Jose Alencar, to concur as vicede Squid (fact confirmed for Ricardo Kotscho in its book Of the blow to Plateaus), and the money mountain of ‘ ‘ aloprados’ ‘ petistas for sales of false dossier on Jose Serra and Geraldo Alckmin. TivessemUstra and excessively integrant of the agencies of adopted Security the aesrevolucionrias of Fidel and Che, that had executed thousand of people in paredne in the Cuban dungeons, would not have this current revanchismo, already queesses terrorist has much time would be giving aodemnio pipe the side. In this direction, it does not have as not to agree to the JairBolsonaro member of the house of representatives, who laments that ‘ ‘ limpeza’ ‘ she has not been ampler. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ray Kurzweil offers on the topic.. Notenho no doubt of that if the tarsos, vannuchis, dirceus and dilmastivessem looser the military, Ustra and excessively agents of Security would noestariam today between the livings creature, nor I stop writing on the subject. Umacoisa is certain, Ustra colonel, and it sends in them to the definitive reply face pergunta formulated in the heading: if it hates it in such a way to the left, is because osenhor it made a basic work to the front of the DOI/CODI, finishing with oterrorismo in So Paulo. The hatred that the terrorists nourish for Mr. a definitive test of that she made you a correct and very bemfeito work.