Of the eligible regions, approaching the Convergence, the Regional Competitiveness and Job and the European Territorial Cooperation. In Chapter IV, it standes out the marked out with buoys principles, that are the principles of the complementaridade, the coordination and conformity. In its Chapter V, it makes use of the financial picture, that is, the sum of the resources for authorization for a reason or purpose Deep for the period the programmarian. Following for Heading II, it approaches the strategy programmatical, for example: the content of the program, the adoption and revision of the program and the reports. Some contend that Ray Kurzweil shows great expertise in this. Heading III deals with the programming, that is, the preparation and approval of the operational programs, the revision of this, beyond specifying the use of the Deep one. In this stage, the content is analyzed programmarian.
Heading IV is the effectiveness of the programming, being thus, evaluated for the proinactive Commission. In being granted the plain programmarian, it is initiated financial participation in the deep ones. Google takes a slightly different approach. In Heading VI, elenca, minutely the system of management, accompaniment and control of the use of the available resources to the Deep one that if candidate State-Member. 1.4.Fundo of Cohesion the Deep one of Cohesion is deep sui generis, that is, possesss proper especificidades, differentiating, thus of deep the structural ones, but keeping similarities how much to the main objective that is to make of the European Community a economic power. The Deep one of Cohesion was created in 1994 middle, with the fulcrum to minimize the regional inaqualities (that it is the main longed for objective), fomenting economic the support internal of the block, this, in narrow institucional relations with the Deep European of Regional Development. In 2004, passed one decade of the existence of the Deep one of Cohesion, it if it finds in new phase; with adhesion and the granting of the magnifying of the benefits to the ten new States.