Gamers will receive online game credits worth 19.99. Mother’s day and browser games, does that fit together? Very good indeed, as united discovered Xhodon in collaboration with deal. To the feast day for all mothers of the world, the troll games GmbH users of their browser game Xhodon provided an opportunity to obtain free Xhodon currency credits (runes). The gamer received runes in 19.99 worth, if they (about 20 shops were to choose) instead bought a mother’s day gift from an online store of their choice. So you could order a bunch of flowers such as Valentine’s day or OTTO Schmuck or a book. Everyone benefited from this offer: MOM got a mother’s day gift while the user itself by the way free could secure runes. Xhodon in turn had the possibility of less payment ready user address and the event by offering”to take advantage of mother’s day.
This 2-for 1 offer tabled Xhodon its users in collaboration deal with united. deal united is an E-commerce service provider, the Online shops and browser games helps free to achieve higher conversion rates. Not buyers are specifically addressed by targeting relevant offers and stimulated to buy. The mother’s day action from deal united and Xhodon was a great success in terms of numbers: during the promotion period, the runes sales by more than 20% increased. Troll games Managing Director Dennis Reimer: in times where the money at anybody more loose, we could reactivate inactive customers without cost and effort and make a fun active customers. Who wants additional revenue without cost risk?” As a result of this success, a long-lasting cooperation with a solid integration of deal is planned, as well as special offers on special occasions united in Xhodon. About troll games/Xhodon: The troll games GmbH was founded in May 2008, develops and operates the fantasy browser game Xhodon. In Xhodon each player can decide whether he wants to pursue better diplomacy and trade or whether he is a feared warlord, together with other players on the hunt goes to the sacred artifacts or the new items.
The game could win a number of awards and nominations and has already more than 70,000 players in Germany. Also, just an English and a Spanish version of Xhodon were released. United deal: for a little more than a year already increased the Munich-based company deal united with innovative marketing models successfully the conversion rates from online shops. This is achieved through the targeting of interested, but purchase perplexed shop visitors. Deal united has this user group in cooperation with partners such as Mister Spex, OTTO, myToys special purchase incentives such as vouchers or free equipment, software. Press contact: deal united GmbH Bernhard Rubenbauer Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14 Munich 80807 FON: + 49 (0) 89 323 56 472 fax: + 49 (0) 89 381 649 369 email: bernhard.rubenbauer(at) Web: