I will specifically refer in this entry to use Trackbacks, though these and Pingbacks are more or less the same function as these are essentially two forms of communication between blogs. Trackback vs. Pingback basically differ in the technology used by each one of them: the Pingback is autonomous (once doing a link the platform WordPress automatically notifies you to another blog that your blog has done a hyperlink); for its part the Trackback is done manually and allows you to incorporate some information (a description, an exceprt) implying a greater customization. Both, once approved, are shown at the end of the comments section and are a good way to attract attention and also traffic from other blogs. Trackbacks = traffic how to use it? Imagine, for example, that you write a post with 3 Trackbacks to 3 different blogs.
Using this strategy you’d be calling the attention of 3 bloggers who perhaps would never have otherwise come to your site. When you see your Trackback in their comments list surely will come to your site to see the reference and as you mention them, perhaps up to leave you a comment; It is also a good way to build relationships with other bloggers now, as everything, the Trackbacks can be used more efficiently. How use them correctly? I’ve seen that some people use Trackbacks incorrectly, making reference to other sites through a link to your home page (Home Page)!This is a mistake! When mentions other blogs on your site, you must link to a post specific, not to separate domain that leads to the home page. This!Do not have! comment by what Trackbacks are not displayed in your row of pending comments. In other words, these sites!Never! you know that I did a link. The solution? Create the hyperlink!Always! to a specific post, through a text anchor (Optimzacion S.E.O.).
The other side of the coin: the Trackback is being used to make spam more frequently. Generally, sites used to earn money with AdSense, or sites dedicated to generate backlinks to main sites. What is the problem with the spam Trackbacks? Even if you do not know link-building strategies, you should be clear that you should never approve a Trackback spam, because Google will never you penalized by the links that come to your site but yes you could be penalized for those who leave, because on these you do have control. Keep in mind that once approved a Trackbacks in an outbound link, a link from your blog to the linked site, so before accepting a Trackback, must verify that it is a valid link and not a spam link. If you think that this entry can be useful to other bloggers, share it! Original author and source of the article