The ground that adapts perfectly to this particularitity of the atmosphere is the smoothed cement floor, that besides being easy to clean is quite economic. This type of floors is impermeable and owns a brightness that gives luminosity him to all the stay. A valid alternative is the ceramic floor, that owns characteristics similar to the floor of cement. As far as the walls, he is advisable to leave them with rustic finishing. To use paperings or wood is not a viable option, since the deterioration that suffer is too fast.
By its characteristics of the dark, low temperatures and certain humidity, One of the traditional uses of a cellar are the one to turn it into a personal warehouse. The particularitities of the cellar, their low temperature, humidity and the dark return it perfect for these necessities. In case the cellar counts on an suitable water installation, it can take advantage to arm a laundry with several machines. If we wanted to place any other type of devices that work to gas we would have to fit itself to the effective regulations that demand certain conduits of ventilation which they return the safe installation. He is not infrequent that the part superior of the walls has contact with the outside.
In these cases peripheral windows can be placed that offer to light and certain capacity of ventilation. As far as concerns the illumination it is necessary that the electrical installation is realised with plastic sewers to avoid that it affects the humidity that could have in the walls. The ideal is that the closing can take advantage of the advantage a communication with a ventilated and illuminated place. A vidriada door would be an excellent solution. These are only a few ideas to consider to take advantage of the possible maximum the cellar our house.