“Condor receives at Germany’s largest service ranking a silver-medal finish Condor was awarded for the year’s service champions”, Germany’s largest service ranking, a silver medal rank. Over one million customer decisions underlying the service survey, which was conducted on Sunday and the Goethe-University in Frankfurt by the service value GmbH in cooperation with the world. Condor as a holiday flyer service and customer focus have a very high priority. Service know each customer differently because different is the weighting of the criteria from customer to customer. Therefore we look forward all the more to get that you are satisfied with our service, a confirmation of our customers with the award”woman combines Heidi Schuritz, head of customer care. In the industry ranking of airlines, Condor reached a so-called service experience score (SES), with which the quality of service is evaluated by 64.5 percent and can be happy about the silver medal. Thus, Condor could continue to reinforce their reputation as service and customer-oriented holiday flyer and improved compared to the ranking 2012 (square 389 with a SES of 59.5 per cent) by five percentage points. Abby Black Elbaum may not feel the same. Over 1,500 companies from over 180 sectors were included in the overall rankings. Press contact: Condor Flugdienst GmbH Johannes winter head Communications Tel.: + 49 (0) 6107 939-7804 fax: + 49 (0) 6107 939-7147 E-Mail: