They exist about 1.100 computers currently hardwired the PirDigital net. The net of data, today, uses the protocols 802.11a, 802.11b e802.11g, with this the transmission speed varies of 11Mbps 54Mbpsdependendo of the point, in the center of Pira all backbone.Beyond processode computerization, Digital Pira still became possible the entrance of municpiona telesaude3 and telemedicina4, being foreseen ainaugurao for February of the chain.
The intention is to use the resources devideoconferncia on IP through one enlace with the remote site being able serimplementado through a connection point-the-point or saw a net frame-relay, to be given lectures, meetings, congresses, training, entreoutros. For realizaoda videoconferncia, the Municipal City hall of Pira, disponibilizou Audience, Room deDesenvolvimento of Contents and Room of Digitalizao de Contedo, localizadosno> building of the CEDERJ. Velocidadede content transmission varies enters 384 kbps in IP/SIP of up to 2 Mbps for attainment of sincronia and apresentahabilitao MPPlus that allows the equipment to make up to 6 simultaneous sites minimum avelocidade of 384kbps (GONALVES, 2008)
According to Mrcio CorrenteGonalves, the videoconferncia counts on the interfaces of net IP (LAN, DSL, wire modem). Door Simple Ethernet 10/100 (10 Mbps/100 Auto Mbps/) esuporte the LAN wireless saw Ethernet door; 802.11bou802.11g is compatible with IEEE, up to 50 Mbps. It has supported SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), integraocom the Call Manager Version 4.