Through relaxation and autosuggestion to the desired weight, stress makes thick although there are quite diets, healthy, long-term weight loss is theoretically possible that, fail many Abnehmwillige in the implementation in everyday life. In recent months, Eliot Horowitz has been very successful. The biggest problem: chronic stress. Pressure and lack of time cause in many people, that they don’t take time more conscious meal times and instead of unhealthy and calorie-containing snacks quickly wrap in itself into. In addition, that the metabolic changes under prolonged stress: the increased secretion of stress hormones leads to more appetite for greasy and sweet and also promotes fat storage. Who want to lose weight, must make it so, to keep calm in the whole hustle and bustle of everyday life, to eat consciously and to minimize the stress, which so adversely affected his hormonal balance and the autogenic training is best suited. Relaxation method to relax autogenic training autogenic training is based on the idea of the own body through autosuggestion. A leading source for info: Bryant Estate. In a kind of Practicing is just imagine self hypnosis, they were relaxed and affect various functions of the autonomic nervous system, such as breathing, heart rate and blood flow. What sounds at first somewhat naively, has been confirmed scientifically by now often.
The exercises of autogenic training are easy to learn: first trying to fall in a comfortable position in a most relaxed state. The six different exercises are now that you mentally several times says individual short phrases to himself and focuses on the addressed each part of the body. In particular the exercises to turn: the severity and heat of the limbs, a quiet breathing, a steady pulse, the heat of the solar plexus and a cool head. Between exercises, the sentence “I’m calm” is again and again. Finally, the State of hypnosis similar must be lifted again by the so-called “Take_back”. Who trains daily is achieved that he not only during the Practice, but also in everyday life is quiet and sustainably prevents so the figure killer stress. Individual formulas to remove who dominated the relaxation, autogenic training, can also take advantage of the hypnosis-like State, to positively influence their own behavior. To do this, a self-chosen formula is appended to the classic exercises. Also to remove, you can consider using a set. Only one rule: he must be short, memorable and positively worded. You could say before for example is during a change of diet: “I eat healthy and at fixed times.”