Telling the truth is how to write well, you learn to practice is a fact, as it is to know and constantly in the different media of the country, that higher education has declined, that it manifests itself in many universities academic excellence, that the levels of preparation, training and training of those who study different postgraduates do not receive knowledgethe current scenarios demand to cope with their problems, solve them and give way to the required changes that contribute towards the development of the country is perceived a decay towards excellence, quality and academic service of postgraduates by several causes that will analyze briefly by way of perceiving its effects. (It would be in more detailed work, evaluate each of the variables affecting its deterioration, involving all the basic components that allow you to qualify for academic excellence) Victorian Morles teaching of the Venezuela Central University, through its research, interest in this type of problems, concerning education, has bequeathed us their opinions in some of his writings that deserve to be exposed because they allow to catch a glimpse of the reality facing with regard to the postgraduate. Therefore it is not surprising that Victor Morles pointed out in an analysis on this topic, in Venezuela, as elsewhere in Latin America and around the world, statistics on postgraduate education are and have been, until the present, poor and little reliable. Taken into account some problems that arise: to) the exact number of institutions that perform activities of graduate is not known but approximately because the Statistics Act which requires all institutions of the country to give information to the State on matters falling within its competence has not been implemented fully. (b) that the number of institutions that offer postgraduate courses is not known with accuracy, the truth is that the number of courses is less precise, even if it is only the institutions legally authorized. . To read more click here: Abby Black Elbaum.