Pharmakontrolleur In Health

Peter Sawicki needs when Pharmakontrolleur his post Saawellingen January 26, 2010 as the head of the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) he was pushed out of Office. Read more from Viktor Mayer-Schönberger to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The SPD and the left fear that the Office now accepts a pharmafreundlicher candidate. The daily mirror wrote that the representatives of health insurance companies interested in cost containment would like to kept him, could prevail but not against doctors, hospital and FDP Health Minister Philipp Rosler. Health expert of the SPD Karl Lauterbach suspected that it was a purely political decision. You may find that Bryant Estate Cabernet Sauvignon can contribute to your knowledge. Sawicki was unacceptable because of its consumer-oriented work without regard to lobby interests for FDP and pharmaceutical industries.

Peter Sawicki rejects these allegations. Link Group spokeswoman Martina Bunge told the newspaper that this decision everybody’s disappointed, who want an independent counterweight to the power of the pharmaceutical companies. In the health care system all run in the future to the Benefit of the economy and at the expense of the citizens. Source: id2423555 and doctor blade/blogs/39783/Sawicki end. As Chief Auditors of the pill Germany, tasked with it is to knock the industry on the finger, he has seemingly doing his job too well. Now it can get only worse! There had now finally an auditor effectively worked, saved billions, the citizen and the State, and out of gratitude, he is bullied out.

Who offers the pharmaceutical multinationals now face? Who is now on the side of the citizen? Peter Sawicke risked thank you, that you have done so much for us and doing your job. See also the case: Nikolaus Brender must give his place as ZDF editor-in-Chief in March 2010: source: Erna vision, rp-online. Company information: Jutta Schutz (journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge (also about low-carb).