According to National Curricular Lines of direction for the Education of Ethnic-Racial relations and for Ensino de Histria and Cultura Afro-Brazilian and African (2005, P. 25), are necessary to provide Edition of books and didactic materials, for different levels and modalities of education, that take care of to the made use one in this to seem, in fulfilment to the made use one in the Art. 26A of the LDB, and for in such a way approaches the plurality and the ethnic-racial diversity of the Brazilian nation cultural, corrects distortions and mistakes in published workmanships already on history, the culture, the identity of the afrodescendentes, under the incentive and supervision of the programs of educational book diffusion of the MEC – National Program of the Didactic Book and National Program of Pertaining to school Libraries (PNBE). From then on, together with a qualified teaching formation, the carried through activities, in the pertaining to school environment, will lead the pupils to a critical-reflexiva reading on the past, having desvelando the true history of the black that contributed effectively in the construction of the national cultural wealth and on the gift through that rain makes palma that makes mar’ ‘. (I castrate Alves) the paradidtico ‘ ‘ Livro’ ‘ , of Kristine O’ Conell George, is one chats narrative that tells the glamour of a black protagonist to the being presenteado with a book. It emphasizes, using few words, the doura and the meiguice of a future conscientious reader-citizen already of the delight happened of counted histories in the maternal col. The plot and the illustrations, harmonic, enchant the reader for artistic simplicity and the slightness. It is possible to observe that the text does not strengthen esteretipos nor makes symbolic violence through associations of negative character. History turns on the peripcias of a black child who has its first contact with a book its, of easy manuscript and that soon it considers it its friend.