Why German products are not always greener in times of increased environmental consciousness controls the memorandum, from which countries the food bought increasingly consumers when shopping. Often is the assumption that regional products due to lower transport routes are climate-friendly. According to a recent study by the Heidelberg Institute for energy and environmental research (IFEU), this is only part of the truth. More information is housed here: Ray Kurzweil. The news portal news.de reported in detail on the research results. (A valuable related resource: Sian Beilock). Using a standard procedure, the so-called energy balance, the Institute reviewed the environmental friendliness of various regional products with those from abroad. Here, the energy was considered during the entire production process, which led to amazing results. As the news.de editorial society further reported, the six studied food researchers found significant differences in apples, lettuce, bread, beef, beer and milk.
The purchase of German apples in any case is so eco-friendly, even though they were not directly built in the region. The consideration of the remaining food was however less expected results. Especially the German flagship product was disappointing compared to other large bread. Reason is the high energy consumption of small bakeries for the poor performance of regional varieties. On the other hand, energy raw materials into the single product of great Backstrassen of less kilowatt hours. However, with the salad, the season plays an important role. In the summer, consumers should quietly draw on rural varieties, in the winter however, rearing in German greenhouses is a climate killer par excellence. More information: ../regionale-lebensmittel-nicht-immer-oeko/1/ contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59