Leonardo was gotten passionate tremendous, foot antep, stopped and been imvelcomo one decrees behind it that, extended for it are, you are welcome had given faith. It was thus for long time, calculating if it would have to speak in foot or be kneel. Later it made a movement as if it wanted to touch in the shoulder of Luisinha, retiroudepressa the hand … Also Came another one to it – ah! – However agarganta did not pass it and obtained to make only one careta.
(ALMEIDA. 1997, p.78) the moment of ‘ ‘ it declares-se’ ‘ , in the Romantismo solenee is sublime, however this does not occur in the declaration of Leonardo the Luisinha, queganha a humorstico tone in an unskillful and coarse scene. Another evasion to the present romantic style in the workmanship of Almeida the desmistificao of the hero, who opposing the Romantismo, is presented common anti-hero, full of defects, evidenced frequent, since the capituloprimeiro: ‘ ‘ Formidable boy of almost three palmos of length, fat person, red, cabeludo, esperneador and choro, which, then later that mamouduas was born hours followed without releasing peito’ ‘ (they idem, they ibidem, 1997 p.14, 15) the anti-heroismo of the Leonardo young continues in the capituloseguinte, in which if it shows a true torment: It tormented the neighborhood with one I always cry in eighth high one; it was; it had true particular to the godmother …