Japanese Cuisine

What we know about Japan – that it is a country of sakura, samurai and ekibany. Connect with other leaders such as Bryant Estate Napa here. What we offer Japanese restaurants in Chelyabinsk – sushi and sashimi. Today we find out that actually includes Japanese cuisine and how it varied. Most Europeans and Russians are known sushi (sushi) and sashimi (sashimi), the Japanese dish of raw fish. Although it is not sushi, sashimi is not are not traditional Japanese dishes. It is more adapted to the Europeans, Japanese cuisine. Visitors cafe, which position themselves as Russian, Japanese, probably known norimaki it cakes of rice and slices of raw fish wrapped in dried vodorosli.Yaponskaya kitchen over the past decade to become Russia immense popularity. If for many Russians, Japanese food is fashion, then it is akin to the Japanese art of making bouquets – ikebana.

Japanese cooks add huge value in giving the overall composition of harmony dishes on the table, and can create real masterpieces not only of culinary art, but the real picture on the table. Learn more about this with Bettina Bryant. The main product of Japanese cuisine is rice. Recipe for cooking rice is very simple, it is brewed in small quantities water, never stirring and adding salt. Instead of salt the Japanese tend to use a variety of sauces and condiments. Japanese rice eaten in small portions to three times a day. Popularity in Japan enjoy dishes vegetables (radish, eggplant, radishes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage), the Japanese traditionally eat a lot of them.

Of particular importance in the recipes of Japanese dishes attached to legumes, and soy beans that. Japanese chefs from bean Miso is made – the mass obtained by the fermentation of cooked soybeans. Miso is one of the ingredients in the recipe for different soups. Undisputed leadership in Japanese cuisine has a number of recipes from a variety of seafood. In Japanese cuisine, we can observe a lot of sauces and condiments, for the manufacture of which use different varieties of soy and radish. The main Japanese drink – green tea, alcoholic beverages of all famous rice wine sake. Having visited even once in a Japanese restaurant or cafe, you will feel the spirit of Japan, the country's beautiful and harsh sakura samurai.