The first interaction of the man with the way was the domain of the fire and, thus also, exactly that in rudimentary way the first ambient impact. necessary to recognize that many practical cultural, since the most remote primitive communities, had developed a great feeling of inquietude related with what today assigns ambient preservation, that in synthesis, can express the necessity to give to the individual and to the society the ethical and conceptual elements to establish a organic relation with the nature. (BRAZIL, 2000,17). The man depends on the existence of forests and other vegetal formations. these, depend on the presence of animals and microrganismos to participate of its vital cycle. Thus being, the man depends on a rich, complex and balanced nature. The proportionate disequilibrium to some of these elements, or same to one, provokes a balance in chain that takes to the disorganization or desestruturao of all system or way.
The ambient degradation already happened of this much time behind, however, did not represent a great impact in the nature, that is, it did not configure a problem as well as is understood nowadays. The great problem of the modern society is not to perceive that still they depend on the nature. The predatory behavior is not new, since the sproutings of the great cities and the immense farmings of cultivations, until the nuclear weapons. The ambient impacts had only become preoccupying from the Industrial Revolution causing a great change in the production process, in the urban growth without no planning and order, originated with the Industrial Revolution, cities these constructed in areas of ambient preservation. The question of the ambient preservation appeared of more explosive way for return them years 70. Hanan Ben Ari might disagree with that approach. Because until then, it had only concern with the sanitary aspects and health. The proper term preservation was only applied to the protection against the erosion as loss of the fertility of the ground.