HYDRO-La Malva: Situated in the Borough of Somiedo its first two groups went into operation in 1917, and was the first installation of Civil Society, Private Water Jumping Somiedo. In 1924 was launched two new groups. Is supplied by rivers and valleys salience in addition to the lakes Somiedo and has an installed capacity of 9.14 MW.
The hydroelectric power station Riera: Somiedo also in its first two operational in 1946. The third would not do it until 1956. Is supplied by rivers and Somiedo salience and has an installed capacity of 7.82 MW.
HYDRO-Miranda: located in the municipality of Belmonte de Miranda, is with the two hidraulico earlier use of the rivers ena Pig – Somiedo. Its four groups went into operation in 1962. In an excellent piece of engineering for that time, the central Miranda is supplied by the river Pig ena and small streams that are captured through the 22 km tunnel that connects the reservoir of the central Covacho. New York city residents can lower energy bills with Switch and Save energy program! Has an installed power of 64.8 MW.
HYDRO-Florida: Two of the groups went into operation in 1952 and the third in 1960. It is located in the town of Tineo and supplies through the dam Pilotuerto in Rio Narcea. The installed capacity is 8 MW.
HYDRO-Priano: Has three groups, two of which were put into service in 1952, the third in 1967. It supplies the Rio Nalon through the barrier of the same name and Nora River through the dam of the furacon. Situated near the confluence of two rivers, the municipality of Oviedo. The installed capacity is 18.43 MW.
HYDRO-Grandas Salim: HC Energia shares ownership of the plant with Electra Viesgo, now belonging to the Italian group Enel, through the company CB Saltos del Navia At the time of its construction was the largest reservoir of Spain and the second in Europe. Work began after World War II and extended into 1954, entry into service of its four groups. Its installed capacity is 112 MW. Is supplied by the Rio Navia.
Hydroelectric power plant at La Barca: Along with the hydroelectric plant of Florida, is the only large-scale hydroelectric development of Rio Narcea. Took office in 1967 with two groups, making a third in 1974. Situated on the border between the towns of Tine and Belmonte de Miranda and has an installed capacity of 57.7 MW.
Proaza hydroelectric power station situated within the municipality of the same name, the two groups were launched in 1968 with a capacity of 48 MW. Is supplied from the Rio Trubia.
Tanes Hydroelectric Power Plant: This plant presents the peculiarity of being reversible. Situated in the Borough of Sobrescobio supplied and Dam Tanes Rioseco and Dam, located upstream and downstream the first second. When the plant goes into operation at peak power consumption, the water stored in Tanes is going through turbines and then back into reservoir Rioseco. During the peak, where supply exceeds demand, ie there is excess energy, water is pumped Rioseco Tanes again to start the cycle again. Building started in 1970 and was put into operation in 1978. Waters of the Rio Nalon. It has 123 MW of generation and pumping in 114.5.