The sort question says of the personage perpassa to it when if it tries to silence the woman, the feminine voice is sultry, however, in the story the feminine personage is centered although not ' ' falar' ' its memory is presented, its influence is patented and in the relembrados dialogues it starts to be the touch rock and the narrator in elapsing of the text allows to perceive the strong feminine presence of the mother, the godmother, and Estela its sister. In the Ja story of the oxen, something that in the flame the attention is the distant scene of urbe with its strong images that tire the sight, cidadezinha with its simplicity and lacks, is also an oasis in a world that preza in such a way the technological development with its problems and neuroses. The cousin goes to the meeting of its cousin according to Ja of the oxen, to take it for medical treatments in the capital. Ironically the lack of ' ' capital' ' it caused the illness of the cousin as if it perceives throughout the reading of the story. The son of Jose left the city and was in search of souvenirs, memories of the infancy of its father, part of paternal history. The life was hard for Ja that did not have many chances, always lived in the small city, however, it had a treasure that it was its history, was valid the penalty all the suffering of the trip that its cousin it faced. In the story we find similarity with other workmanships of Brazilian literature, as for example, ' ' Secas' lives; ' of Graciliano Branches, would be Ja of the oxen another Fabiano? As ' ' Fabiano: it was a exploited worker, worked hard very and earned little, was so little that did not give nor to make one ' ' feira' ' , although to work very ' only received one; ' ajuda' '.