The movement measures east Sunday the endorsement of the society through the concentrations summoned in almost all the Spanish cities. Anthropologist Manuel Mandianes thinks that the attendance to 19-J will be " numerosa". Almost 1,000 police will guard by the security in Madrid 19-J. The Pact of the Euro: trip ticket of the EU to do against the economic crisis. Is the Pact of the Euro an inevitable commitment for Spain? Art creative, anonymous, and gratuitous for the manifestations of 19-J. LIST: Which is the poster that better represents 19-J? ' Movement 15-M' he is unstoppable and it does not have reverse gear because it has been born in a stage of social failure and economic crisis that has not been surpassed and has made react to the politicians, who have understood the necessity to include some of their ideas in their proposals of government. One is a diagnosis in that agrees dean of the Official School of Sociologists and Politlogos of Madrid, Lorenzo Navarrete, and anthropologist Manuel Mandianes, that analyze the evolution of this movement that measures this Sunday the endorsement of the society through the concentrations summoned in almost all the Spanish cities.
The concentrations " they will be numerosas" " Thanks to the wick of 15-M, the society has waked up and people think that she has a pile of things by which to protest, because they are to them angustiando" , she assures Mandianes, for that reason she considers that the movement will continue counting on the endorsement of many people. Also this anthropologist esteem that the concentrations are going to be numerous and that will serve the movement to take oxygen and to certify that it follows the spirit of the Door of the Sun alive. " The policy of the parties has not undergone any type of demolishing attack, nor has taken place a collapse; it is a call and a warning to remember that problems exist and that there are to recover the confidence, because something is failing in the management of crisis" , the anthropologist thinks.