Characterization of the research of field In both, educational institutions the motivation of the adult to the return the classroom is, low the instruction in consequence of the social exclusion. In the first institution the methodology of the knowledge that prevalecente, is begun in the preexisting cognition of educating, whereas in the second institution works with the methodology Pablo Freire using itself of generating subjects. The difficulties of daily the daily one, together with the found pertaining to school evasion in the educational establishment are factors that make it difficult the return of the adult the escolarizao. In the educational net of the CIC, a work directed only to the alfabetizao does not exist, however, in the region of the Farm Rio Grande the school possesss the Project Light of the Letters and the Inclusive Education. That it provides to educating alfabetizao, concomitant the reality that lives and leaving of the premise of generating subjects. In this direction educating goes of meeting with its reality, where it finds difficulties, next to the memorization, therefore to the end of its hours of working, still find forces for classroom.
Therefore, the professors of Municipal School 26 of January introduce colloquy wheels, where the generating subjects go of meeting practise with them educative of the establishment. Constructing to a differentiated reality the infantile alfabetizao, and exploring the experiences that each educating possesss. Thus this interactive envolvement the education, is based on action – reflection and action. With intention to insert educating the society, and fomenting projects that long for the generation of income of the same. Therefore, beginning its social inclusion, democratically and intellectually with professional qualification and recognizing its citizenship. Consideraes final the longevity came to foment new concepts, on the aging diagnosising cognitivas and affective difficulties, that in the great majority of the events are related the consisting historical concepts, for an obsolete and miditica society.
With the growth maturativo of the individual constructs reflexivas actions, that start to go of meeting to the identity of a new society, that deprives for establishing systems politicians. That they aim at to supply the lacks of the aged one, with methodologies of learning, affective conditions of subsistence and relations. While, that science and its new technologies develop techniques so that each time more the adult arrives at the longevity. Lins of the Guimares Peixoto. Coralline Cora Ed. Is Jose Olympio. s P. 1965. Ridley, Matt, the Queen of Pantries the sex and the evolution of the nature human being, Lisbon, Gradiva, 2005.