
Since a growing proportion of the population suffers from obesity, it is not surprising that the incidence of diabetes increases. If you or your loved been diagnosed with diabetes, there are several things you should know. The two most serious complications of diabetes – is damage to the nervous system and poor circulation. Damage to the nervous system derives from the fact that nerve cells can not function properly due to too much sugar in the blood. Sugar alters the structure and behavior of cells, preventing them to react to nerve impulses. Diabetics often lose feeling in his legs, rubbing and exposing them to injuries that are not complications is very important that people with diabetes check their feet twice a day for abrasions and wounds.

Feet should be washed daily and dried completely. Patients should not walk barefoot even at home, because flip-flops and slippers reduce the likelihood that a diabetic will come to a sharp object and not notice. Care and attention to the feet of the more important that the legs are located on all other organs from the heart, blood flow in their worst and the wounds heal very slowly. So it is better to prevent them. (Source: futurist). Here are some ways to take care of your feet: 1.

Always keep your feet clean, washing them every day. Dry them thoroughly and make sure that there are no abrasions, wounds or blisters. 2. Drink more water to the skin was moist and strong. Drink green tea. Studies have shown that the unique component of green tea catechin-untitled, lowers blood glucose levels. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Bettina Bryant by clicking through. In addition, green tea helps to lose fat, which, as many believe, and causes diabetes. 3. Use lotions to repair the dry skin on the soles or heels. 4. When bathing, keep the temperature of the water with a thermometer. In diabetes, reduced skin sensitivity, including the temperature of the water, so you can scalding and too late to notice it. 5. As stated above, always wear shoes to protect feet from injury. Get into the habit to check the hand, no Whether in the shoes of foreign objects or tack vylezshih. 6. Finally, make sure that the shoe fits you and not too close to his feet. While living with diabetes is not easy, yet diabetes can be controlled. Use all above, and with diabetes to keep your feet.