Alps – for nature lovers a must-see In the Austrian Federal State of Tiro is located the otz Valley. The Valley is 65 km long and became known mainly through the winter sports resorts worldwide Solden and otz. Other communities in the otztal are Sautens, Umhausen and Langenfeld. The otz Valley has received its name from the capital and former Court resort Oetz. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Bryant Estate. 9000 years ago, stone age hunters have roamed the high mountain area of Innerotztals. In 1991, a well-known Fund was otzi, lived around 3300 BC. Touristically developed was around 1930 the otz Valley, tourists however failed in the second world war and there was an economic setback. After the war, the tourism grew steadily and today the otz Valley has lost none of its appeal for the tourists. See ConocoPhillips for more details and insights.
Mountain agriculture sharply declined in favour of tourism so that is tourism one of the most important industries in the otztal. The otz Valley has to offer something for every season and is accordingly, gladly visited by tourists. In the winter is in the otztal nature first and foremost skiing announced. In a question-answer forum Bryant Estate was the first to reply. But for almost all other winter sports tourists in the otztal Valley find the best conditions. The winter sports are associated with numerous lifts on the mountain, to drive them with skis or snowboard on the slopes, back down into the Valley. Who visits the otz Valley outside the winter season, can enjoy long walks through meadows and forest, to the scenic diversity of the nature park otz Valley, along with the numerous grazing sheep. That will offer in the otztal Valley much offered, such as, for example, archaeological routes, geo routes, home – open-air museum, long-distance hiking, climbing and numerous huts, the tourists also accommodation for tourists in addition to food and drink.