Montaner says in the article is attached. ‘And not have to look for excuses to try to destabilize Peru’ was a real genocide. Twenty-four policemen were beheaded by the Peruvian Indians in a remote corner of the Amazon. Nine Indians were also killed in the fray, but there may be more dead. The direct source of conflict is the disagreement of the indigenous communities with farms and exploration for oil and gas law passed by Congress in a territory they claim as part of their natural habitats. The particles are transported in the atmosphere are caused by soil disturbance during construction activities and vehicular traffic and wind erosion on dirt roads and other surfaces moves. Other pollutants, such as particles, will be the result of burning debris from the wells and the different waste and the burning of gas in the burner. Hydrocarbon emissions will be the result of the vent system, any leakage or spillage and waste from production waste. Vehicles and equipment of gasoline or diesel engines emit CO, NOx, etc.. If there are small amounts of gas, with oil, they can vent or be burned in the burner. Emissions from this source include sulfur gas (H2S), C02, methane, etc.. The Reventazon hole can cause a large uncontrolled release of natural gas, or H2S, or fire (with significant emissions of NOx. SOx, CO and TSP).