The Sense Of Reality

Carlos Mora Vanegas build our future, thought by thought, for better or for worse, but not know it. But thus the universe was forged. Thinking is another name for destination, then choose your destination and expected, because love produces love and hate produces hatred. Henry Van Dyke in Hinduism emphasizes constantly, that bogar by this physical dimension, we must concern ourselves with understand our reason for being and the real interactions with our environment, therefore must be tearing the veil of illusion (Maya) and delve into the true reality, surprise us in who we are, why we are, what our service line. Eugenio Carutti bequeathed us, that we realize how it empequenecemos reality and the universe with our forms, it is important, when in reality we don’t know how the universe, nor what the reality is.

We know as well that the problem of each one of us is narcissism; But behind this lies the narcissism of humanity as a species, yet we do not collectively think as entities capable of knowing that this is all; as the center of the universe, the important species, the roof of the evolution. Carutti insists on pointing out, that the sense of vastness arises when we perceive this deep human limitation. You know for example how much enjoys a thirsty animal to drink in the river or the pleasure of the child who plays in its waters. The River absolutely unknown how to his deathbed. Your destination’s mouth in a Lake, the equations that the chemical will develop depending on the composition of your water. (A valuable related resource: Bettina Bryant). He has no idea of all this; the simple stream flows: becomes infinite realities in other lives about which is unknown and disclaims all forever. Hence, that do not should surprise us we do question we know what our real way, we know that entities feed on our energies? who of us enjoys contemplating the human heart? do we have the slightest idea of what we are to other dimensions that we will never know, but they probably exist and live in, of and with? our energy? If we see it, is a sense of immensity.Already we won’t catch these dimensions as shapes, imagine them as Elves, fairies, Angels, teachers, guides, but it will be there, simply living.