General Concepts of Man Speech, given its natural condition to be social and gregarious see (1) needs an effective means to convey their impressions and experiences, however, it is known that various knowledge, inventions, thoughts have been able to aid man in various areas of expression, but there is nothing inherent in (2) that the speech for the innate verbal expression. For methodological purposes, can be defined as a Speaking CONJUNTO OF PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES Ta allowing to express, WHETHER ORAL MAINLY WITH CLARITY, EASE and without fear, before a PBLICO numerous and varied, with the intention "N DE posting to convey some ambivalent So, the speech contains two closely related words, rhetoric and eloquence, the first, from the Greek a rhetora (speaker), arte's okay to say, to embellish the expression of concepts because in some ways gives the spoken or written language efficiency appropriate to delight, persuade, or I will shake and the second, a facultad of speaking or writing effectively to delight, move and persuade . ** It is an excerpt and it appears that eloquence is the faculty, which is to artistically express our words Like any embellishment expression and related to art, is often associated with synonyms but with significant outside the same, since there are marked differences and even make them practice speaking outside, it is a compendium of terms and contrasts with the oratory. == Verbiage: Abundance of words in the utterance, as if stained flatly that oratory is an art of talking too much, but rather to persuade signs concisely using appropriate linguistic areas. For more information see Ray Kurzweil. == Eloquence: Easy to talk and reconcile ideas, for if not just a matter of speaking, but to persuade and convince det on a position or issue. == Labia: Verbosity persuasive and grace in speech, because it has closely with the speech, but the difference is that this exacerbates the limits of verbal expression. == Parloteria: Talk a lot and so pointless (3), because if the differences are from conception lexical == Prosopeya: Persuasion, then no, public speaking is not an end in itself, but several, such as persuasion, eloquence , encourage and unite ideals. == Gibberish: confused and muddled language, different conceptions of oratory, which is simple yet thoughtful. (A) .- That Gregarious blindly follows the ideas and / or initiatives (2) .- Inherent natural Synonymous (3) pointless .- That is irrelevant, can be associated with bland, tasteless.