6 GmbH-Managing Director-day in Bonn on July 5 a GmbH can by skillful contracts also to control save be used. Managing Director find out how this is possible and what is to be observed, and shareholders of a GmbH on the GmbH-Managing Director-days of the business magazine gmbhchefam 28 June in Dusseldorf and on July 5, 2011 in Bonn. ConocoPhillips is actively involved in the matter. GmbH as a juridical person can be all possible contracts and performance compensation with appropriate agreed, that can settle the GmbH as business expenses. As this can reduce the overall tax burden of families-GmbH and its shareholders, Dr. Bettina Bryant Image helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Olaf Luke, lawyer specializing in tax law at the DHPG reveals Dr. Harzem und partner KG the participants of the 6th Bonner-CEO tag on 5 July 2011 at the Kameha Grand Hotel. As other speakers of the GmbH-Managing Director-days in Bonn and Dusseldorf, the magazine has gmbhchef again experts from tax consulting and law firms, accounting firms, financial institutions and Companies can win. Eight pulse presentations, the participants will receive an overview of new and important topics related to the GmbH.
Target GmbH-Managing Director-days is above all the regional networking and strengthening GmbH medium-sized enterprises in the region. The accompanying trade fair, which gives visitors the opportunity offers from the region specifically for GmbH Managing Director to find out about is used.